chapter 4:a heartfelt moment

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  He stared me up and down ignoring that kenny was even there.  "Who the hell do you think you are?"  He bent down and made direct eye contact which made me a bit uncomfortable.  I fidgeted with my hands nervously.  "I-Im sorry..?"  Cartman glared at me and smirked.  "I'll find what your hiding stotch."  I instantly tensed up at that comment and watched him walk off.  Kenny scoffed and flipped him off with a muffled "fuck you".  I shook it off and packed the rest of my things up ready to go home.  I stood and turned to be face to face with a curious kenny.  I jumped a bit our faces inches away from each other.  He noticed and backed up a bit.  "Sorry! I was just admiring your beauty~" he said trying to be smooth.  But if theirs one thing I've learned in girl world...Never be tempted by a man easily.  Or woman for that matter.  I chuckled a bit.  "Smooth Mccormick but not enough."  I smile and push past him to exit the class.  He followed behind me like a lost puppy. "Oh come on marj..didn't that line atleast make you flustered just a little bit?"

   I shook my head putting stuff in my locker.  "No,of course not" I giggle as a look of defeat wash over his face.  "Oh come on!" He laughed with me and we reach the bus.  He stepped to the side and grinned.  "Ladies first."  I giggled and stepped on as me and kenny found a seat.  After a few stops it was my turn.  I waved and said my goodbyes to kenny.  As I hopped off I already heard the argument that rose while I was gone.  Although,I was a bit confused.  Didn't the mote say they would be home late?  I open the door to find out apparently not.  My father outraged and slamming things to the ground.   "THAT THING IS NOT WELCOME IN THE HOUSE" he was on another tangin again.  He stormed into the room and looked down on me.  "Hello father."  I say as I try to move around him.  He blocked my way.  "You are not my son."  I smirk at his comment.  TW:mention of abuse if you are sensitive please move to next paragraph. I laugh at his comment "your right,I'm not your son I'm your duaghter" I think I pushed his limit as I heard my mother scream and my eyes filled with horror as he slapped me across the face hard.  I held my face and looked at my father with anger and fear. 

   I heard my mother call out to me but I tuned it out and ran up to my room crying.  I wiped my eyes and went to the mirror and checked my face.  "Yeah that's gonna bruise.." thankfully in a girl's world makeup works magic like crazy.  I would just put some foundation on and call it a day.  As I did some homework a few hours later my mom walks in.  "Sweetie are you there?"  I turn to face her.  "Yes,did you need somthing?"  She smiles sweetly and runs her fingers through my hair.  "My beautiful baby girl.."  she mumbled to herself.  I wanted to cry.  She sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to her.  She embraced me in a hug and played with my hair.  "Your hair's gotten so long baby."  She smiled and I nodded.  "So..? Any boys you like yet..or girls?" I smiled and shook my head.  "No..not yet mom! I wanna get to know people first."  She nodded and smiled.  "OK but any boy trouble come straight to me ok?"  I nodded and she kissed my forehead.  As she left she paused in the doorway and turned around.  "No matter what your always my baby girl."  I smile and nod.  She leaves and I'm left there with her words lingering in my mind.

   "You'll always be my baby girl"

A/n:thank you to everyone who's shown support the last few days I aprieate it lots!

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