Chapter 01 - Her Worth

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Our story begins on a cold winter night, with a chill in the air and a festive feeling everywhere. Everywhere except this one hospital room. Maternal screams could be heard from within it, but a somber atmosphere surrounded the staff as they rushed in and out of the room, clutching blood-filled rags in their gloved hands.

In a separate room a doctor was seen talking to a man, his face filled with sympathy as he delivered the news that he believed no soon to be father would ever want to hear. The doctor did not expect a prompt reply from the man, on the contrary he expected the man to crumble into a bawling mess as most has before him. But as the doctor gazed upon the man's determined and cold gaze, he was not sure if this man was able to be that emotional. at the very least he was less sure of it than he had been moments ago.

Then the man spoke, his voice clear and detached, "Save my wife, doctor. I do not care what happens to the child, but I need my wife"

The doctor looked at him half shocked, catching a glimpse of the man's unwavering gaze. How could a man so quickly and resolutely disown his care for his would be first child? And that with simply a few seconds of thought and not a tear to accompany it. This he believed he would never understand. But he nodded, mumbling a few words on how he would try his best as he hurriedly huddled to the patients side once more.

Just a few seconds later some nurses could be seen dragging a bed with a screaming woman into the OR. It did not take long for a result very few if anyone expected. The cries of a newborn child adorned the air. As the nurse finally came to her wits and screamed, "Its a girl!" The mother had fallen unconscious, but outside the OR a man could be seen, his face void of emotion, but if you looked close enough you could swear you could see a twinge of annoyance in his eyes.


A few years and the birth of another daughter later we could see a teenage girl sitting at a table, browsing through a book, her slightly pointed nose scrunched up as he hazel eyes were focused on the word before her, it seemed she was giving it her all to understand what she was reading. In another room she could hear her mother, screaming at her for something or the other. She pushed her earphones deeper in as she drowned herself in the music, focusing all her attention into the book before her.

It has been like this for as long as she could remember. It felt as if she were a stranger within her own home. For some reason of the other her parents favored her sister, or maybe it was the other way around and they simply hated her. She did not understand why it was so, she could not fathom the number of times she had mulled over her existence, there were many times she has even considered leaving this painful plane of reality.

But recently, recently she had found something that had given her peace within her mind. This something was the book sitting on her table right at this moment. Wrapped in a dark red leather cover, the book's thickness could easily rival many an encyclopedia. But still, the lettering within it was of a font so small you would not expect it for such a large book. It had no mention of an author nor a synopsis, for it needed neither. The gold indented wording on the front of its cover would tell you all you needed to know regarding it. In large uppercase letters it said "THE HOLY BIBLE"

She had discovered this book recently, but ever since she had begun reading from it and meditating on the many verses that struck her heart, she felt as it she had reached enlightenment. Her anger, fear and depression seemed to fade as she felt in peace with herself.

And so life went, the days filled with regret and grief over the rejection she felt within her own home, and the nights she spent with that book, calming her mind and soul. Many days later she found herself uncaring and unbothered by the hate her so called 'guardians' had for her. And that was when she felt inspiration, words started filling her mind as her fingers itched to get a hold of a pen. And so she did, she got a book and a pen and began writing;

I struggled to find myself,

I struggled to find a way,

To love who I see in the mirror.

I'm sorry I'm not like you,

And I'm sorry you hate the truth,

That I've let go of my fears.

But you!

You're one of the people I could do without,

And its true,

I think I've known it all along and I see it now.

Cause you made me miserable,

Made me feel so unlovable,

But not anymore,

You taught me I was worth,

Much less than anything in this world,

But not anymore, cause now I know,

My worth.


Hello ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters. Welcome to the first chapter, or rather the first issue of the lives of tragedy. I hope you felt the emotion in this story and it connected with you. I do need to confirm this book is not about faith or God, or anything of the sort. These are simply stories I have gathered along the way. Stories filled with pain, with emotion. Stories that should be known and strength that should be acknowledged.

This chapter is for one of my greatest friends, someone that keeps me motivated and helps me go through my own struggles every day, I hope you will forever be the strong and admirable woman I know you are dumbo. Love you.

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Peace out brothers and sisters.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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