19 | It's Sink or Swim In The Deep End

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Having a particularly negative experience the last time they were in Italy, Tilly was hopeful that this time would be different

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Having a particularly negative experience the last time they were in Italy, Tilly was hopeful that this time would be different. For starters, she wasn't sleeping with Kendall; except for that one Molly induced marathon after his birthday. Once she had finally left the next day and ventured home for a several hour long come down nap, she received a call from the youngest Roy brother. Firstly, asking if she would attend his mother's wedding with him and secondly wanting to relieve himself of his erection with phone sex.

That was when she swore to herself that that morning would be the last time she ever slept with Kendall.

Tilly flew to Tuscany with Roman, Greg, Tom and Siobhan three days earlier than the rest of the family, wanting to rid themselves of the inevitable jet lag before the wedding festivities began. Connor and Willa messaged saying that they would have to fly in last minute after being 'caught up with presidential things' and Kendall hadn't yet responded to anyone. None of them knew if he was even attending or not but since it was only a few days out from the big day, they assumed he wasn't. Caroline had kindly arranged for the family to stay together in one of the larger villas on the property too, which they had settled into well.

Lying on her stomach sprawled along a plush sun lounger, Tilly held her hand above her phone to shelter its screen from the suns glare. "God, DeuxMoi already has an Instagram highlight purely dedicated to submissions from Kendall's party..."

"Ooh, did any of us make it on there?" Greg asked eagerly, resting his forearms on the edge of the pool with his lanky body floating along the surface behind him.

"Why would you want to be on there? It's a gossip ridden trash can set on fire," Tom scoffed, barely raising his head from his book as he lounged next to Tilly in his 'new' Camilla swim shorts. They had been gifted to him from Willa and placed in the back of his wardrobe for months; reluctant to wear them due to the bold statement prints. It wasn't until he was recently complimented by a Spanish supermodel in Ibiza that they became his signature 'Euro summer trunks'.

Tilly tapped through the seemingly endless story to find submissions that were worthy of reading aloud, "Eh, it's all pretty standard shit so far... Apparently a 'well known director' had a stain on their pants that looked like they jizzed themselves... Peter Dinklage and Timothee Chalamet were seen smoking what appeared to be a joint together... Alec Baldwin appeared to be rude to staff when asked to take off his jacket on arrival..."

"Fuck that guy is such a piece of work," Connor huffed, seemingly appearing out of nowhere as he walked past them freshly showered. He spat his words out as though his frustration came from a personal grievance against the actor. Matilda chuckled quietly to herself; it was equally as rich coming from the man who also refused to take off his jacket at the party.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh! Here's one, someone messaged saying 'Siobhan Roy was drunk AF whilst tearing it up barefoot on the dance floor and let me tell you sista has a booty' with the word booty in capitals and then the like, two little eyes emoji," She chuckled.

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