Bonus: Bros of the Round Table

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Artoria: “Okay, so please explain to me what happened.”

Bedivere: “She punched me in the face.”

Mordred: “No I didn’t, I reached for my book and he was in my way!”


Galahad: “So even after sleeping with your wife, you still hold no hatred for Lancelot?”

Artoria: “No. I still consider him my close compatriot.”

Merlin: “But! If you could give your lion immortality at the cost of his life, would you kill him?”

Artoria: “Lancelot who?”


Tristan: “I look so ugly today…”

Gareth: “No, you look gorgeous!”

Tristan: “I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.”


Kay: “You’re stupid.”

Merlin: “Well, you're dumb.”

Kay: “You gave Bedivere a hand job.”


Mordred: “You have exactly 3 seconds to explain why you woke me up.”

Agravain: “Because it's morning and you should already be awake.”

Mordred: “So you have chosen death?”

Agravain: “You can’t kill me.”

Mordred: “Too late. I’ve already figured out how.”


Gawain: “4 months…”

Percival: “God, not again.”

Bedivere: “What’s happening-?”


Mordred: * w h e e z e *


Tristan, running out of the shower in nothing but a towel with rainbow coloured hair: “MERLIIIIIINNN!”


Galahad: “And what do we say to the universe when we’re having a bad day?”

Morgan le Fay: “How dare you seek to inconvenience me.”


Mordred: “Why do my parents always act like I’m going to do something illegal whenever they leave me alone? I mean, they're right, but where's the trust!?”


Percival and Lancelot standing under a roof to stay out of the rain.

Percival: “Oh wow, the weather today looks just like you, Lance. Shitty…”

Lancelot: “The forecast did say things were gonna get wet. I’m sure that’ll be a first for you.”

Percival: “Oh, yes. Several inches of rain, I heard. Can you imagine that? More than 1 inch?”

Lancelot: “You know, I think I’m having trouble. Maybe if you moved a little bit that way into oncoming traffic, the entire world and I would have the quiet necessary to envision such a thing.”

Percival: “I would, but then who would take care of our dear king? What would she do without her best friend? She wouldn’t have anyone to talk to. Anyone incapable of sleeping with her wife and trying to kill her that is.”

Lancelot, shoving Percival into the rain: “Oh shit, you didn’t melt. The Wizard of Oz lied to me.”

Percival: “I hate you.”

Lancelot: “Hate you more!”




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