Koko tells heathers to kill them selfs and more😋😝 chapter 5🤩

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Shut up heathers heather 1 : shut up freak you friends with the freak! Heather 2: kys bitch *they walk away *

Shut up heathers heather 1 : shut up freak you friends with the freak! Heather 2: kys bitch *they walk away *

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Koko walks up to them and slaps them😋😘 Heather1: what the heck you freak that's what you gusy get

Veronica:  hey new kid hi what's your name my name is Koko! Oh hi nice to meet you my name is adriol l was jds ex oh hi nice to meet you do you want to sit with me at lunch sure

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Veronica: hey new kid hi what's your name my name is Koko! Oh hi nice to meet you my name is adriol l was jds ex oh hi nice to meet you do you want to sit with me at lunch sure

Koko X Jason dean KOKO IS AMAZING 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰Where stories live. Discover now