Gabriel passes on pies Toonbriel

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"AAAAHHHHHH!!1!!!!1!!!1!!!!!1!1!!!1!!!1!!1!1!"Toonbriel screamed.
"What's the matter?" Cesar asked.
"GABRIEL ..... PASSES MEH ON PIES!!!1!!!!1!!!!!1!!!1!!!1!!1!!1!!!1!1!!1!1!1!!1!1!1!!1!1!1!!1!1!!1!1!!!1" He shouted.
"What a nonsense, we're just playing a game." Gabriel said.
Cesar gave him suspicious look. Toonbriel started to run and Gabriel started to chase him. After 5 minutes Gabriel caught up him. Toonbriel started to scream.
"Calm down, I wont pass you on pies." Gabriel said.
"so why-"
"I'LL MAKE A GROUND MEAT FROM U!!!1!!!1!!!1!1" Gabriel interrupted Toonbriel.

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