The Name

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~Mitzuki's POV~
'Ah~ Weekends! Such a wonderful time to spend on yourself with no school, clubs, or fangirls that have tinted cheeks every ten seconds. Plus the addition of break too.' I thought as I layed in a lounge chair in the backyard.

The weather was great today, so I decided to just chill by the pool with music. I couldn't help myself. I've been really busy lately and barely had any time for me. Trust me, I love the Host Club and my cousin, but you need to give me space once-in-a-while.

As the Sun's rays made contact with my skin, it got a bit too hot for my liking.

'It's so hot!' I looked at the pool, 'Why not.'

I swung my legs over the chair, and stood. As I stood, I stretched showing off my stomach, since I was wearing a bikini. My legs then walked over to the clear water, that looked very inviting.

Without a second thought, I dove right in, letting the liquid envelope my body whole. The water felt so good! It was cool but not cold, nor was it warm. It was a perfect temperature for this heat.

Once I resurfaced, I let myself float and relax while listening to the J-Pop station.

"What a perfect day." I smile.

But that 'perfect day' soon turned into a disaster with a phone call.

Suddenly, my phone started going off.

My feet touched the shallow floor as I looked at my cell.

"Eh? Who could be calling me at this time?" I say aloud as I left the cooling water.

As I look down at the screen, I see that it was Tamaki calling.

"Ugh, what does he want?" a sweat drop appeared on my head, "might as well answer. "

I pick up the device and click 'answer', then put the speaker up to my ear.


"Mitzuki? Is that you?"

"Ya. What's up, Tamaki?" I ask.

"Can you come over!? We need your help!!!" Tamaki begged.

"Woah! Slow down Senpai!" I said, "Where's the fire?"

There was a slight pause. "Eh? Fire? There's no fire."

I pulled the phone away from me and did a face-palm. "No, Tamaki. I mean, what's the problem?"

"Oh! We need you to come to the Host Club!"

My face then formed into confusion. "What do you mean? It's Saturday... there's no school today."

"I know but-"

I then heard some arguing in the background, and shuffling of the phone.

"-Good afternoon Ms. Yoshida." I heard a different voice come through.

"Um, hi Kyoya. What is happening?"

"Well, to explain further detail that our President couldn't," cue a loud 'hey' in the background, "one of our costumers has a birthday today, and asked to have it celebrated here, at the Host Club."

"Okay...... and I need to go because? Not that I'm trying to be rude or anything..." I say as smoothly as I could. I mean, c'mone! It's a Saturday, and I haven't had a day to myself in while.

"It would be wonderful if you could come! And to be correct, I believe she is one of your customers. Your choice."

'Hm..... go to one of my "princess'", as Tamaki would say, or stay home and relax....'

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