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Two days ago

It was a full days drive consisting of crossing various rogue territories, before we reached a coastal town that I still don't know the name of. Then, Corvin made us board a jet. I knew then that whatever mission he was on was of the upmost importance; Vampire's never fly if they can help it, the sensation seems to make them irritable and on occasion pass out.

Now we're driving again. It's hot, I'm tired and I feel sick. I've never gotten used to watching them feed, especially when it's up close like this. I estimate the girls to be around Theia's age, three young Were's that had wondered too far from their pack.. wrong place wrong time. Young and naive it didn't take too much of the goons' powers to put them in a trance.

I can only imagine what their parents must be feeling as the links to the pack officially break.

And I just sat here and watched it happen.

A loathsome tear slips down my cheek, right before a cold hand wraps tightly around mine. His touch is a terrifying reminder that he hasn't fed for a while either; and the coolness of his presence quickly makes its way up my spine as his iced lips ghost through my hair. "I hope you're well rested my love" his voice is a sinister caress over my vulnerable, guilt ridden soul, the sensation combines with the smell of blood on the air and I have to swallow down the nausea trying to force it's way up.

I know the exact moment the young girls die. My increasingly enhanced hearing no longer detects their heartbeats; and it only takes a matter of seconds before the rabid beasts before me halt their slurping and open the the car doors, heartlessly tossing out the bodies as if disposing of an unwanted cigarette.

I hate them. They're worse than monsters, I'm not even sure if there's a word wicked enough to describe what these things are.

Corvin chuckles at my side. The displeasure on my face not only amuses but arouses him. I feel his fingers tangle in the hairs at the base of my neck and he pulls, exposing my neck and running his wretched lips over the alert skin.

"Drake's Eye up ahead, My Lord Ivicos" the smooth enamel halts against my thundering pulse for what must only be a few seconds, but to me feels like an eternity. "Pull over, we'll walk the rest of the way" he snaps his response "Clean yourselves up" he orders to the bloodied morons in front of us then turns to me, running his cold thumb over my jugular with a heavy sigh "Best behavior Pet, you remember the rules".

With an audible gulp I nod my answer, relieved when he releases his grip on my hair - only to wrap it around my wrist to pull me out of the stationary vehicle.

As soon as I'm outside the climate is significantly warmer, almost uncomfortably so. The sun beats down on my head, until Corvin lifts the hood of my cloak "You won't speak a word. You will keep your eyes on the ground unless I permit you to raise them. Do you understand my love?" again I nod. Though I don't understand why I'm here if I'm just to sit quietly. He takes hold of my chin and forces me to look into his murderous eyes "Think of every punishment I've ever given you, if you disobey me I will inflict every single one on that little hybrid of yours.. Theia" his twisted mouth turns up into a crooked grin when he see's the fear in my eyes. I don't know how he knows her name, but it fills me with renewed panic for my daughter. "Come" pulling me beside him we walk in silence away from the car. The guards directly behind us, I notice one of them, Jenkins dragging a duffle bag carelessly on the ground.


I'm unsure of how long we walk before we stop. Jenkins comes to Corvins side silently shoving the bag  between us and him then unzips it and pulls out a young girl.

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