o. prologue

95 12 21

❝ i don't like walking around this old and empty house ❞


The ginger tips on the fallen leaves had slowly begun to wilt. The river lay still, its waters unmoving, silent. Clouds had begun to darken, creating a world of abyss and nothingness. A strange, unknown feeling could be felt, but it was distant. Yet, no matter how hard one tried, the unusual feeling, could not be avoided. 

Darkness came fast, with the moon looming overhead. Rosemary sat comfortably in her university dorm room. There was a dim light, coming from her small lamp and also from the fire place at the centre of the room. She carefully turned the pages in her book, moving a few strands of hair behind her ear as she did so. 

The scene was idyllic. As if reality could not be anymore profound. Depicted from one of those unknown fairytales by anonymous writers.

Rosemary sat alone. Her roommate Ophelia had supposedly gone outside for her daily walk with nature. She was a wondrous girl, Rosemary thought. The two had instantly become one from the very start. Rosemary would often find herself awaiting the girls arrival from her monthly holidays. 

Ophelia would often go with her family back to the countryside in her homely cottage. She would come back with stories of the nearby village, sharing her magical adventures. 

Rosemary wondered, if there could be anyone more remarkable than Ophelia. If warmth was a person, it would be her.

Smiling to herself, Rosemary went back to the contents of her book, it was a book by a Japanese author. She adored Japanese literature. They held such great meaning that it completely moved her, it gave her a new perspective on life, it gave her hope. 

Gently closing her book, Rosemary set it aside on the table by her bed. She let out a sigh, it had been a good day. 

Autumn had always been her favourite time of the year, with the leaves turning oranges and browns, rainy days came more often. The weather had slowly begun to become colder, with winter approaching soon. It was the season of change, just like spring, but Rosemary felt that autumn suited her better. 

She put on a brown, patterned oversized sweater that had been draped on the frame her bed. She made her way to her drawers and found a pair of simple white socks and carefully put them on. Rosemary was very fond of these little things. The things that made her happy. 

Looking around the room, Rosemary set her eyes upon her striped scarf. She smiled as she wrapped it around her neck. Finally content with herself, she put on a pair of Docs and headed outside. 

She liked the university halls, they always smelled of cinnamon, scented candles and old books. Inside these halls, it always felt like autumn to Rosemary. Scotland in particular was just a place that always felt so homely and comforting. Like a soft kiss resting upon ones forehead. 

Rosemary only had to walk a short while before she finally made it to Vea's dorm. Vea was different, not like Ophelia. She was fascinating. At first she had been really closed off, but after some time she warmed up to Rosemary. She didn't talk much, but she listened, and that's what Rosemary really admired about the girl. 

She looked at the mahogany coloured door and placed three soft knocks on its smooth surface. Her knuckles grazing the wood ever so gently. 

From the other side she could hear the sound of a door unlocking. Behind the door revealed a beautiful girl with wavy brown hair. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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