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He stumbled painfully, the sudden journey had left him coughing and unsteady, his vision was not good. He grabbed hold of something to keep his balance and looked up to see where he was, but that didn't help much, there was a haze in front of his eyes. Now he was useless, he reached for the Force and called out for it to be his eyes. The place was crowded, he could sense life forms, force users and non-force life forms. The power was in everyone. It was just in some much more than others. His vision, though hazy, was not completely useless, he could at least navigate with the Force, even if he could not make out his surroundings. His sight was not permanently gone, he knew it would gradually return. Until then he had to blend in, not stand around looking strange. It would have been easier if he had a vision of where he could be, was he in the inner ring or the outer ring? If he was in the outer ring, he had to be more careful.

He made sure that his outfit concealed his lightsaber, hidden but still in a position where he could get away quickly. It would have been better to remain anonymous, especially since he didn't know where he was. The blue and white top with a high collar and matching boots made him look like a senator and he had no intention of ruining that. The appearance of the lightsaber would cause confusion among people, people would make up other things to make sense of what was beyond their perception; the force was not real for most people, it was a magic trick or an illusion. With the extinction of the Jedi, there were not many force users left in the galaxy, so it was understandable why they thought that way. Most people had only heard it from others, and word of mouth changed stories. Even his own friend thought the Force was nonsense until he saw it with his own eyes. People were less likely to believe what they didn't see with their own eyes.

Even though his goal was not to activate the holocrons, but only to get at their secrets, he eventually succeeded in activating the holocrons. If holocrons had an instruction manual, his job would have been very simple, but holocrons are inherently mysterious, very dangerous objects, and they complicate things. So that learning about the holocron that much more important and valuable. His vision started to come back to him, he was in the middle of a long corridor, there were several doors and people inside. At least he could tell, he was in a building. The surroundings were unfamiliar to him but deep down a feeling was clawing at him, it felt familiar, too familiar. The Force was trying to tell him something but he wasn't sure what it was at the moment, he closed his eyes and focused, reaching deeper into the Force. The first thing he noticed was that there were too many people around who were sensitive to force, it was impossible. The remaining Jedi lived by hiding their existence, trying to stay under the sand, but these life forms shone like lights in the Force, they did not hide themselves. There shouldn't even be that many Jedi left in the whole galaxy, it was confusing. It was a good choice to conceal his lightsaber, but now that his hand was so close to it, he might have to fight.

He focused on his own presence, he touched the force that surrounded him and let it circulate within him, then slowly reached out to gather it into a ball, but the darkness did not want to be confined to one area, that desolate rage, the fire did not want to be still, it wanted to dominate everything and everything. Shaken, he trembled, breathed heavily under the darkness and immediately shook his head. He was about to plunge into the darkness, it was so tempting...
It was very difficult to contain the darkness, to resist it. He calmed his anger and hid his presence. He had to act rationally, he knew he couldn't get out of here without running into someone, but he didn't need to fight and make his presence known. He didn't want to use the Sith holocron and walk away before he knew everything, he had too many questions to answer, what did the holocron mean by taking him here? He was not trapped in a vision, no, this was a real place. He could feel it, there were things he had to figure out here. He took cautious steps forward, letting the force guide him towards the exit. The further he went, the more familiar the surroundings became, creating an itchy feeling inside him. His curiosity made him want to enter some of the rooms, but he knew better. Tall shiny pillars and large windows through which the sun shone made the place feel peaceful and calm. He headed towards the window, the view was breathtaking, ships sailing in the twilight over the high hills, the temple almost in full view. It was exactly the same view as he had always seen in recent years. He had seen the sun set on Coruscant in the imperial palace enough times to know that.

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