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"I'm telling you, something doesn't sit right with him, as you must have noticed."

It wasn't just that he was his son from the future, it was that the way he acted and the things he said didn't fit with a Sith. Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had come out of the medical bay and were discussing what to do. Anakin didn't want to leave him alone in the medical bay, but they needed the privacy to talk, yet he was close enough to intervene if something happened and he didn't think his son would run away.

"When I asked him why he didn't retreat, he didn't respond aggressively, like I'm not a coward, only cowards retreat, or I wanted to kill more of you, and that was very strange. You know that's what Ventress or Maul would say if they were in the same situation."

Perhaps he was reading too much into one word, but it was not the only strange thing he said.

"You're right Anakin. He's asked me before if I valued the clones' lives, and while I think it was just a sarcastic comment, it may have been part of his true feelings, he seemed to care about them, he could have killed most of them, but he chose to eliminate them."

Throughout the entire fight he had only sabotaged the clones' shots, and although there were some clones wounded by him, these were non-lethal wounds from the reflected blaster shots, and he could have killed most of them if he had wanted to.

"How sure are we that Master Obi-Wan, isn't he just doing this to prove a point to you? By doing this, he's trying to make you look bad and look himself like someone who doesn't really want this fight."

"I understand your logic Ahsoka, but it's a bit extreme, he knows he can't influence the clones that easily. But yes, he could have done it to prove a point to me. That changes things, we can't be sure until we know more about him."

"Obi-Wan, we don't have much time for this, we'll be arriving on Corusant soon, we need to talk again."

Anakin wanted to know every part of his life, he kept so many secrets.

"I'm not sure if we should do it, he has a point, we are playing with very big powers, we might have to release him in the end so as not to spoil the future."

Anakin couldn't believe his master had thought of it, while he spoke Obi-Wan acted as if he hadn't been the one to tell the boy that it would be impossible.

"We can't leave him! Obi-Wan, don't you ever wonder what happens in the future? I have a son, and you're suggesting we leave him without any idea how he got that way?"

"Of course I am curious, Anakin, but we must decide wisely, we must not learn the future. Even if we let him go, he can't go back to his own time without the holocron, at least until then, he must remain our prisoner. When the Council learns of the holocron's power they will prioritize it, our goal now must be to find the holocron and we will ask questions about it."

They had come to what Anakin had thought earlier, they had to find the holocron.

"We have no clues, Master Kenobi, what makes you so sure he'll share this information with us?"

"He wants to go back to his own time, he said it was a mistake, he will be cooperative."

Anakin was not happy that they were all heading for the medbay together, he wanted to be alone, he had private questions and perhaps he could answer them more easily if he was alone. Although his wounds were being treated for the moment, the droid had not provided a complete cure as per procedure, they needed him to be weak so as not to risk it. Nevertheless, he looked fine, not pale despite the blood loss. Anakin didn't know the extent of the injuries, but he wouldn't call the man he was looking at seriously injured. His eyes locked on him for a long moment as they met, but he said nothing, only suddenly shifted focus.

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