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It was the summer of 2017, life in Michigan was boring as normal, nothing ever happened here. The schools are filled with mean girls, country guys, and the occasional jock, it wasn't really easy to make friends at school and when you did it wasn't easy to keep them. The only upside to living here was the ice rink down the road from my house. It was the USA national development training rink, lots of the boys were on there way to the nhl or would burn out in juniors. It would be the dream for most girls and I guess the boys were cute but none of them really acknowledged me, I was popular or thought of as a super pretty girls at school.
But one day when I was sitting out on my porch swing a uhaul van pulled into the house next to mine and the rest was history. I met Jack that night when I brought the new family over cookies. It was like love at first sight. After a year Jack and I were inseparable, and he finally asked me to go out with him. Not only had me and him got close but so did me and the other boys on the hockey team. I finally had friends and Everything was perfect.. well until 2019, Jacks draft year.

Jack turned out to be amazing at hockey, he was even being considered first pick and I couldn't have been more proud. We knew it was going to be hard to stay together after he was drafted but we promised each other that we could do it. Well, I was wrong..Jack was 2019s first pick for the New Jersey Devils. At first everything was fine, even though he was a bit cocky, I would be too.
Then he started getting recognized for his looks not his talent. I didn't the fame would get to his head but it did. One night after a win, I was going to surprise Jack at the after party, because I hadn't seen him in a couple weeks, but when I got there he was making out with some girl. I couldn't believe it, the fame got to his head he thought he was the shit. How could he do that to me. I would never do that to him. Even though It was only the start of the season a couple of the boys on the team knew me and when they saw Jack kissing that girl, they pushed him off her and pointed at me. Iwas standing there shook and he ran up to me and started apologizing immediately. I just turned away and walked to my car. Jack begged me to hear him out but I wouldn't. He banged on my car door trying to get in while I was bawling. I mean it had been almost 3 years and he was cheating on me like it was nothing. I wonder how many girls there had been. After that I blocked him out, of course he texted me a lot but I just simply told him that we were done and we were never and I mean never going to be together again. This might have seemed dramatic but I was heart broken. He texted me, called me and even tried to find me and hang out for months after I caught him but I was too heart broken to let him back in.
But even though I was heart broken I still went to all of his home games and supported him. I swear I could see him look for me in the crowd and after awhile I waited for him to do it. He would always see me but I would look away and talk to whoever was next to me. For months I couldn't see myself moving on. It had been almost a year since everything had happened and I finally moved on. Well kind of..
The new hockey season has started and I still went to all of Jacks home games and I still would see him looking for me in the stands. No boy would ever change the love I have for Jack, no matter how bad he hurt me. I would always be there for him. It's is kind of sad how I still love him, like I do but it's not the same as it was; it never will be.
I had met a boy that was being drafted to the New York Rangers, Brandon Schneider. Brandon knew all about me and Jack, well most of it but if he found out I still go to all his home games to support him, Brandon would hate me. Brandon hates him. And don't get me wrong Brandon is a great guy but when it came to anything about Jack he wasn't. I told him I still go because it reminded me of my dad, who I didn't get to see much. Because me and him watched every game after we found out that Jack was probably going there. Even though me it had been a year since Jack had cheated, I still had a soft spot for him, and I couldn't tell you why but I just did. I wanted to always support him no matter what. I had promised him I would and I never broke a promise.Of course I really liked Brandon but it just wasn't the same. Me and him had meet at a coffee shop in New York, while me and my family were visiting my grandparents. I stayed with my grandparents a lot so I can watch Jack play during the hockey season. But I ended up moving in with them, this year, because I wanted to go to college in New York. So me and Brandon stared hanging out a lot.
That was 2 months ago and now we were officially together. My family liked him a lot which was surprising because they swore me off hockey boys after the whole Jack thing had happened. Brandon was super protective of me and it was super sweet.
Tonight was the night that the Devils played the Rangers and I couldn't have been more nervous.
The rangers had had an ok season so far but the devils were doing much better. Me and Brandon had been hanging out this morning and to my surprise we hadn't talked about Jack at all. I thought he would have said something about beating him up or anything but he didn't.
Brandon is a pretty clean player and maybe he doesn't want to ruin his reputation, but just because he doesn't fight doesn't mean he doesn't run his mouth. Brandon is known for talking shit, a lot of shit. He was now at the Rock getting ready for his game and I was left to get ready by myself.
Hey guys, hope u liked the first chapter. Ik it was kinda boring but y'all needed the background for the rest of the story to make sense. The next chapter should not be as boring.

My Crazy Ex~~~JACK HUGHES Where stories live. Discover now