Dear future ME

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Dear future ME,

I am the 17 year old version of you. I am sitting on my bed and scrolling through my instagram eating last night's leftover pasta.

Life seems pretty simple now but the future scares me. Is it scary out there? I don't have a clue what has made you read this, I don't know what the shitty situation it is, but I just want to say one thing to you 'IT IS OKAY.' (Because even I hate hearing 'it's going to be alright.')

It's okay because I am sure that it isn't the end of the world. It's okay because that's what life is. It's okay because that's how the real world is. It sucks.

1. It's okay if you are reading this as a girl in her 20s who still doesn't know what she wants and is unemployed and feels like the most pathetic loser ever because there are other people doing so much with their lives.

Whenever you feel too sad or too depressed or worthless, close your eyes and remember the time when you were 16 and your grandfather had told you that 'Life isn't about winning and the destination, it's about the journey and the planning.' Besides, the pleasure isn't in doing the thing, it's in the planning. I'm pretty sure you still remember your favourite quote from Paper Towns, don't you? So don't freak out if you haven't reached your goals yet or worse, if you haven't even set your goals yet, it's okay. Its okay because you are atleast living your life, which means that you are still in the game. You are not a loser.

2. It's okay if you are reading this when you are heartbroken. The guy who broke your heart, I don't even know who it might be, was the douche. Remember that! Also remember the time when you just jumped from one relationship to the other from the time you were 15 and every relationship ended in a terrible heartbreak and every heartbreak was the end of the world as you knew it?

But, did it really end? You are right, it did not. The world doesn't end because of a break up. Your life shouldn't end because a douche broke your heart. Instead you should embrace the new life without that douche in it. I am not saying that you should do it right away. It takes time I know, I understand. So take all the time you need. Cry your heart out and listen to sad songs and eat ice cream and do all the sappy stuff you can think of. But then stop it all the minute the tears stop falling out. Stop drowning in self pity because even your body is tired of shedding tears for the same guy.

The only person who should never stop loving you is, you yourself. And you know why is that? Because you are fucking worth it.

3. It's okay if you are reading this when you have just had a fight with your parents. You know how they get at times. Remember the time when you were 17 and you wanted to sleep over at your best friends house but they denied and you screamed "I hate you so much" before stomping your feet back in your room?

Remember how hurt you felt, not because they denied, but because of the harsh words that you said. Remember the promise you made to yourself then?

The promise was to never take any fight, be it silly or intense, with your parents to your heart. The promise was to always keep your mind calm and deal with the situation empathetically.

Because you know that no matter what, they love you and are going to love always. Because it was your mom who stayed up all night when you were sick. Because it was your dad who sat with you and guided you in the things you had no clue about. Because it was them who made you what you are today.

Don't fool yourself into believing that they don't care about you or that you don't care about them. Because you know you'll be lying.

4. It's okay if you are reading this because you are single and don't think that you will ever find love in your life. Remember the time when you broke up with that foreigner guy you were dating for almost a year?

You were so convinced that you were in love with him, but it turned out that you were in love with the idea of being in love.

You spent hours trying to find yourself but couldn't, because in order to be perfect for him, you had lost your own self. It took days for you to move on but in the end, you finally did. You then said to your best friend "I am willing to wait for that one guy who will accept me as I am and love me for who I am." Stand by these words.

Because if you are still single then it's because you haven't felt a connection by looking into any one pair of eyes even when in a room full of people. Remember: when you see into that one person's eyes, you shouldn't see anyone else in or around.

So stay single and focus on yourself for now. Your perfect guy is out there somewhere, with all the wrong women as of now.

5. It's okay if you are reading this as a grown woman scared to get married. Remember how mom always used to say that marriage is the most exciting and tiring thing she had ever done but how she won't change a single bit of it? Remember how mom and dad were always happy because they knew that they have each other?

So if you have found that person that you think will be with you no matter what, and who will love you all your life and will think you are a fucking masterpiece even when you are all old and wrinkly, then you have found the right guy. Marry him and give him all the love you have because he deserves it.

Mom always said that marriage is a give and take of love and trust and support. Do just that and follow her footsteps. Do everything you can to make him happy because in his happiness is where your happiness will lie. Don't be scared, because he won't be going anywhere.

And even if for a second you think that he isn't that person, then don't be scared to say NO. Remember how dad always said that it's better to deny something and hurt someone first rather than destroying their life after? Do it.

Lastly, I honestly have no clue when will it be when you finally decide to read this.

But I do know one thing, that it will be at that one time when you won't know what to do, when you will be hurt and sad and maybe alone.

It will be at that time when you will want to find traces of me, the old you. And at that time as you read this, I hope that you find yourself remembering the old you.

Because maybe, you have forgotten that you are that girl who does give a shit for everyone and everything. It's just the way you are. You can't help but care.

You are that girl who takes every heartache seriously and takes days to recover.

You are that girl who loves reading books but loves writing one more than anything.

You are that girl who keeps all her loved ones close because you hate being alone.

You are that girl who takes a stand for something you believe in.

You are that girl who loves eating choco pops and pizza, and loves watching every damn TV show.

You are that girl who obsessed over a band and made mental scenarios of marrying them even when others criticized and made fun of you.

You are that girl whose creativity was something that was awed by everyone and whose talents were always underused.

You are that girl who changed herself for the better and never let her past bother her present.

You are someone who will fall way too hard but always catch yourself in time because you know that that's the only way to be happy.

You're not the nightmare you should be fearing.

And whenever you feel weak, remember that you are that girl whose strength was her dream to do something big in life.

Never ever forget the promises you made to yourself in these teenage years.

How much ever you hate the me right now - because the mistakes that I have done in these years still haunt you- always remember that you learnt the most important lessons of life in these years.

Remember every single one of them and I am sure that you will find an answer to whatever it is that you are going through right now.

Dream big and you will achieve bigger. Stick to yourself and your plans.

Oh and just by the way, I hope my future self will have better fashion sense than me.

With all the love,
17 year old you whose only priority right now is to turn 18 and drive dad's car.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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