7. Charm Is A Virtue

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"How long have you been on her security detail?" Roman asked in the silent office as he sat behind his desk, assessing the man in front of him

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"How long have you been on her security detail?" Roman asked in the silent office as he sat behind his desk, assessing the man in front of him.

"Since she was twelve, Sir," the man responded.

Roman looked at Vincent Rossi. The man, Vince, was tall and muscular in build -as big as Roman. He was bulkier around the back but lean enough to have some speed. His file said that he was ex-special forces and was honorably discharged when he was twenty-five on account of slight hearing loss in his left ear after a bomb went off in close range when he was deployed. Now Vince was thirty-five and had worked on Angeline's security from the moment he got discharged to now.

Roman thought it was a waste of talent to have him working on her security when he could be much more useful. Vince had the talent and organization to be a capo or close to one -maybe an enforcer too. He could've worked his way up in the ranks but why didn't he?

"You could be more useful somewhere else. I'm assigning you with Fredrico Bianchi to help out with negotiations," Roman spoke, setting the file down as he typed away on his computer.

Vince stood there, biting his tongue and trying not to argue. Vince tried out doing something other than Angeline's security when she was nineteen. He didn't last two weeks before returning on her detail. In that span of two weeks, Angeline had three panic attacks, sprained her wrist, and got slapped by her father.

Angeline was more than a client. She was the little sister he never had and a friend. He would take more bullets for her than any other person that was on her security detail. He had known her since she was growing through her teenage years, had seen her make friends and lose them, had seen her go dress shopping when a boy asked her out on a date and she didn't want her family to know, had seen her graduate college and had seen her get married.

"Any comments?" Roman raised his eyebrow at Vince once he saw the reluctance.

"If it is possible, I'd like to stay on Mrs. Moretti's detail," Vince spoke, his voice stern. Roman felt taken aback for a moment. He thought Vince would be glad to get away from the same job he'd had for a decade.

"Why? I'm giving you a promotion here," Roman asked. It must've been exhausting working for Angeline -dealing with her spoiled brattiness and two-faced behavior. He couldn't imagine the torture.

"I tried working in different areas before, but it isn't for me," Vince stated. Roman stared at Vince for a moment, suspicious and not at all convinced. Vince had worked closely with Angeline for ten years...that had to have built some personal connection, right? Roman's mouth twisted. He didn't like that.

He would keep a close eye on Vincent and Angeline from now on.

"Alright. You can resume being head of her detail. Contact Guido and he'll tell you what you need to know," Roman dismissed, shrugging.

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