My Final Goodbye

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I looked up at you as you held me, the pain of the poison was circulating through my body.
It was as if someone lit a match and throughout my body there was gasoline, the  pain of death felt so good.
"Yuta! Please don't die." You said as you pressed your forehead against mine and sobbed.

Yuta: "I have to die, it's the only way to stop them." I replied.

SUHO: "Y/N, Yuta is right. This all started because they wanted him as king but he kept declining and put you in grave danger.''

Yuta: "Thanks Jackass." I said and he smiled at me.

You: "Yuta, you can't do this! I love you." You said and I finally figured it out, I figured out what love felt like.

Yuta: "I love you too Y/N." I said and then everything went black, I could hear you screaming and sobbing while SUHO tried to take you away.

This was the best decision I could make, you were now safe from my family and from me.
I am a ghoul and I could've snapped and eaten you, or even worse.
So....this was death huh? It's dark and lonely here.

I suddenly woke up and saw fire all around me, so I was in hell.

I suddenly woke up and saw fire all around me, so I was in hell

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"Hello Yuta" she said as she walked towards me.

Dami: "My name is Dami and I'm your reaper." She replied.

Yuta: "My reaper?"

Dami: "Yes, for some reason they assigned you a reaper. I must say I never thought a ghoul would fall in love with a human."

Yuta: "Neither did I. So what is this all about? What is happening?"

Dami: "I have the power to send you back, but! You will be sent back as a human." She replied.

Yuta: "Then that would mean I would feel human emotions right?"

Dami: "That's right, but it's your choice. You could stay here or go be with Y/N."

Yuta: "What about SUHO? If I'm human he probably won't be my friend anymore."

Dami: "And how would you know that? All you have to do is try."

Yuta: "I will.....go back."

Dami: "Good choice."

{Y/N's POV}

I set down on Suho's couch and couldn't stop crying, how could I have been so stupid! I knew that Yuta wanted to die and I basically helped him.
"Y/N, please calm down." SUHO said trying to cheer me up.

You: "How do I cheer up? Yuta is gone!" I said.

Yuta: "You sure about that?" He said and I quickly jumped into his arms and kissed his cheek.

SUHO: "You smell different....A human! You smell like a human!"

Yuta: "That was the only way I could comeback, I had to become a human"

SUHO: "Cool! I'm still your family and friend Yuta, don't worry." He said and I hugged him.

Yuta: "I have a lot to learn about being a human, especially hugging! I freaking hate it!" He said and I giggled.

Yuta: "Are you okay?"

You: "I'm fine."

Yuta: "I hate you little human."

You: "And I hate you, you disgusting ghoul!" I said and we shared a passionate kiss.

SUHO: "Get a fucking room!"

Yuta: "Shut up!"

Yuta: "I wasn't really gone long huh? Maybe an hour?"

SUHO: "Actually, you've been dead for three years." He replied.

Yuta: "What!?"

SUHO: "It's true, and I really don't understand how you're even here."

Yuta: "Ever seen the show supernatural? Well they kept coming back until the very end, so I'm guessing it's something like that."


Yuta: "True, but I don't really remember much. I remember a woman, she was a reaper but she brought me back."

SUHO: "Dami?"

Yuta: "How did you know her name?"

SUHO: "Long story, anyway why don't you and y/n go hangout for a while. I have something I need to do." He suggested and I agreed, I just wanted to be with Yuta.


Ghoul: Yuta Nakamoto FFWhere stories live. Discover now