The Enthusiastic Inventor

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The clock ticked by at an agonizing slowness, irritating the young girl with its constant ticking noise. Couldn't this day go by any faster? She asked herself, internally scowling at everything. To her, the academy was boring and just a waste of time, she would much rather be back home in her makeshift lab then spending the day learning useless information that wouldn't help her in her endeavors. She twirled her pen in her hand, her tacky iron boot tapping against the cold marble floor at a constant pace, earning her a glare from a few nearby students. The instructors were talking at the head of the class, but she tuned them out, as she was too busy venturing into her own little world. Her head slowly began to droop down, due partially to her boredom as well as her exhaustion. She hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep the night before, she was too busy working on her latest project. Her goal in life was to invent time travel, and everyday she was sure she was getting closer.

Her head finally dropped down to the metallic desk, an audible smack ringing loudly through the room. Normally from an impact that hard, one would think she would've shot her head up and made some sound of discomfort. However she was too tired to do anything, she figured this was her means of gaining some much needed sleep. She finally started to drift off when she felt a soft and gentle tap on her shoulder. She turned her head towards her blonde friend, her cheek laying against the cool metal as she fixed a weak glare on him. He ignored her trying to set him on fire and just smiled at her gently, leaning down towards her and whispering in her ear.

"Go ahead and sleep, the instructors probably wont notice, or care for that matter." He said confidently. She returned the gesture with a small smile, and let her golden eyes flutter shut. Her breathing became even, her mind going from being a blank canvas to being filled with vivid colors, an artistic wonderland known as her dreams. She was walking through this strange and unfamiliar world, a great and dense forest surrounding her. She slowly maneuvered through the tress until she came across a clearing. She walked out into the open, blinking the light from her eyes and came to focus her attention on a well that sat in the center. It glowed brightly, beautiful and bold colors streaming from within. Her curiosity got the best of her and she cautiously made her way towards it. She was getting so close, her fingers slowly tracing the rough wood that outlined the deep hole. She slowly peered over the edge, her eyes glittering with the rainbow like wisps. She slowly started to reach into it, but suddenly her world turned red. She felt a sharp pain that brought her back to reality, jolting up from her previous slumber.

Her instructor was towering over her, her agitated gray eyes boring down into her own, a ruler wrapped in her lanky fingers. I didn't even know they still had those! A quiet laugh left her, an innocent smile playing on her lips. She glared at her until she was satisfied, before she scoffed loudly and walked away from the red haired girl and back to the front, resuming to tutoring the class. Her happy expression left her face, turning into a dark one filled with annoyance. She turned towards her snickering partner and roughly elbowed him in his side, causing him to double over a bit, a small cough leaving him.

"What the hell Wolff? You were supposed to wake me up before she noticed!" She scolded him quietly as not to attract the attention of her superiors. He cowered back a bit and raised his hand defensively.

"I tried! You wouldn't wake up!" He whispered harshly, turning his head slightly to the front of the classroom to make sure the teachers weren't paying attention. They hadn't seemed to take notice of their argument, so he focused his attention back on the fiery girl. She rolled her eyes at him and turned her attention back to the board. Today, they were learning about the 2000's era, an era filled with luxury cars and smartphones. She had always found this era interesting, considering this was always known as the stepping point into the future. Maybe someday, I'll go back in time and visit there. She smiled to herself as she started to dream about the possibilities, causing the blonde haired boy to give her a weird look.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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