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Title: The Royal Concubine
Genre: Mystery, Historical Fiction, Psychological Thriller, Supernatural Dark Fantasy, Action, Drama
Time Setting Based: mid-19th Century in Japan (Edo-Period)

Kyoutaro's life takes an unexpected turn when his sister, Yukino, suddenly goes missing. In order to find out what happened to her, Kyoutaro is forced to masquerade as his sister and take on a dangerous mission: becoming the concubine of the young Emperor Akito. This means that Hikaru will have to take on all the responsibilities of a royal consort and investigating his sister's disappearance. As Kyoutaro delves deeper into the mystery, he discovers that there are darker forces at play and must use all his cunning and skill to unravel the truth. Will he be able to solve the case and find his sister, or will he be lost in the dangerous world of politics and betrayal with those bizarre and man-eating creatures that surround him?

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