Queen of Flames

878 39 68

El Dorado
Capital City, Jinyu
Night Time
Narrators POV

Leon: Why'd I summon those children...

Leon's knights stood right Infront of him in a defensive position, ready to defend their master at any given moment.

Leon, though, appears unfazed by what's going on around him and only appears to be in deep thought.

Leon: To find someone, that's it.

He is a man of few words, a person that rarely spoke even amongst his own subordinates. The reason he attempted summoning so many times, was because he wanted to find a girl by the name of Chloe Aubert...

However, he had received news of her death all the way in Ingracia. A depressing news for him, which made him go insane... Yet, even then, his will as a Hero never wavered. He may have lost what he was after this entire time, but he still had people he cared for.

His mentor, her child, and these wonderful sunordinates of his... He may not seem or show it, but he is more then willing to lay his life for the people he has now.

Shizue: ...

A aura full of anger and killing intent flares the entire room, causing everyone to have a heavy weight attempt to pull them down. The knights, including the head knight Alrose, are barely on their feet as they feel the intense pressure of Shizue's aura.

Leon moves Infront of them, unsheathing his sabre and taking a defensive stance Infront of the knights.

Leon: Leave, now.

Although they attempted to protest, they weren't able to say anything as they knew that if they stayed here... For their lord, they would only be a hinderance.

Besides, a single glare does the trick.

One by one, they began to leave. Shizue was kind enough to let them leave, even kinder to hold back her killing intent and aura... Because the moment they all weren't in the vicinity, her killing intent and aura flared 3x more then it already was.

Shizue: You caused the suffering... The pain of hundreds of children... And even the deaths...

Although Leon cannot see what's behind her mask, he can easily tell that she is looking at him with extreme hatred and anger.

He could feel her anger from miles away if this was how much she hated him, and he honestly couldn't blame here...

Shizue: You...

She unsheathed her katana, flaring it with her aura as her red flames cover then entire katana.

Shizue: SICK FUCK!



Appearing right before him, she attempts to strike him and decapitate him with a swift blow. But, Leon manages to block her blow with his sabre.

He had to admit though, she's grown way too strong...

Shizue: Flames, consume him.

In an instant, the flames extend to Leon's sword and attempt to engulf him. However...

Leon simply jumps back and swings his sabre, ridding it of the flames that were engulfing it. No damage was done to him or his weapon, not even a scratch.

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