Chapter 1 Vacation

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7 hours later...

(Noah) It's good to get off the plane after that long flight and can finally stretch my legs. I miss this country it is beauty and a good choice for vacation alright let's go get my rental car so I can got to my hotel so I can lay down for minute. 10min later Made it agggggh it's good to lay down for a bit after being in a plane for 7hours with no room to do anything and a small amount of room to stretch my legs. *stomach growls* he should probably go find some food before it gets dark and also before I go to sleep for to night let see what I can find hey there is a restaurant not far I guess that's where I will being eating then.


That was some really good food now relax in my room before going to bed for night. Tomorrow is a is going to cool going the Machu Picchu for the first day and have to get up early to catch the bus ride and get on a train to get to Machu Picchu town it's along trip so I bought a lot of snacks for this journey can't wait to see the old citadel of the Inca.

Machu Picchu town...

Made it after 1hour bus ride then a 2 hour train ride that was a long journey but definitely got to see a lot of the landscape during the bus ride and train ride it was pretty cool. Now I have to take another bus to get to Machu Picchu and then I will be able to see the Incas citadel. *20min later*
Wow now this is cool I wonder how they made this on the side of a mountain that that's crazy.

This is pretty cool I was wanted to see this up close and it's pretty cool *bump* huh what did I just hit *piece of metal sticking out* what is this *moves some of the dirt and see a symbol* looks like to be and metal circle looks pretty cool with the blue lines across I can take it home for Cris. *puts in backpack* will let's check out the rest of the citadel this goes on for a whi_ *see the damage from when Optimus Primal and Airazor where fight because Airazor was taken over by Scourge.

Man it looks like the fight marks are still here but looks like a lot of them are gone. I hope that is a good thing that the marks are gone so people don't get scared * Noah see her in the corner of is eye* Airazor *looks around make sure that no one else is here and then slides down the hill* Uh its sad see her not with the maximals anymore and that she is also that last of her kind but she new that she had to died because of not she could have hurt more people or us because of what Scourge did to her *pat pat*.

You knew that your where going to turn bad and you could stop your self because what ever Scourge did to you it was to late and you did not want to hurt any one self so you made that call to destroy you before anything's happen. For that you have my respect *pat pat* You know what you deserve this * takes out the cool metal breaks in half and put the half on top of Airazor *but does notice the symbol that has the Maximal face* and puts the other half in his backpack* Looks like it's time to good back now before the place closes and tie my shoe as well * turns around to tie his shoe the metal begins to glow and then goes dark again Airazor eyes flicker green for a bit* (_) Noa__ (Noah) huh what was that noise ___ I guess it's was the wind will I better get going bye Airazor.

Back at the hotel...

Man it's to be back after those long trips but I should get some sleep for tomorrow. *signed out of the hotel*. Now let's go to the beach but before that let me find the Airbnb so I could get ready to hit the beach. Wow this Airbnb is not that bad the houses is pretty and has a backyard's that looks at the sea. *enters the house* Not bad kitchen nice, clean bedroom and a nice big living room with a big flat screen tv. Yeah this was a good choice will let start getting for the day.

I make me some breakfast eggs and pancakes * thought comes into mind* Now that I think of it I totally forgot about the Maximals that they also love in Peru but I still wonder why Airazor was not moved to mabey so humans would not disturb or taken by a government for research.

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