home visit

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TW: gore

had some super sad news a few days ago so my uploads might not be very consistent for a while. bear with me x

italics are yours/emily's thoughts
enjoy x
(3393 words)

'How are you settling in here?' Tara asked after declining your offer for a drink and finding a seat on the sofa.

'It's not quite home but it's comfortable enough.' You said with a polite smile.

'It must be difficult having to uproot everything to move here.' Tara empathised.

'I only moved to Quantico a few months ago so I guess I wasn't really settled here yet anyway.' You explained.

'Ah I see. You moved for the job?' Tara checked.

'Yeah.' You replied, starting to feel a little uncomfortable about Tara being here.

'It sounds like you're pretty committed to your training.' Tara observed.

You couldn't help but smile to yourself at that, and Tara quickly noticed.

'Did I say something wrong?' She asked, smiling with you.

'No, no. I just... you can tell you're a psychologist.' You said.

'Sorry!' She replied, stretching her mouth into an awkward smile. 'I didn't mean to play shrink.'

'No, no, don't apologise!' You said, feeling guilty for bringing it up.

'Well, I'm not actually here to give you a therapy session...' Tara laughed. 'There were a few gaps in your whereabouts over the last few weeks that we just wanted to clear up.'

Here we go.

'Oh okay...' you said, acting confused. 'I thought I'd told you everything?'

'Well, there are just a few times where you said you were home but the CCTV outside your apartment doesn't confirm it.' She explained.

'Oh... okay. That's odd cause I don't really go anywhere other than work and home.' You lied.

'Well, it could be that the footage has been tampered with, but I just wanted to make sure we hadn't missed anything.' Tara explained.

'Tampered with?' You asked, as if Emily hadn't already explained this.

'Yeah, it seems the Unsub has managed to freeze the footage at certain points to hide who was coming in and out of the building.' Tara explained.

'Why would they do that?' You asked.

'We think to hide when they were stalking you.' Tara said softly.

Until she'd said that you'd been so wrapped up in keeping your story straight that you'd forgotten how scary this actually was.

Stalking me? For how long?

'Y/n...' Tara's voice pulled you out your thoughts.

'How long?' You asked. 'Have they been stalking me, I mean.'

'The first freeze in the footage is a few weeks ago.' Tara stated.

'Around about the time I started my training?' You checked.

'That's right.' Tara confirmed.

So around about the time I met Emily. This has to be more to do with her than me. An Unsub that wants to punish women that look like their mother doesn't start with a random person like me. They'll have started with Emily.

Forbidden Affairs - Emily Prentiss x Reader Where stories live. Discover now