Chapter Three ㅡ The Twitter Drama.

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A few days passed by.

Everything remained the same.

But that incident stuck inside of Seungmin's mind like a super glue.

He was confused. What did Minho even mean by 'hurt'? Had he hurt Minho in any way? As far as Seungmin could remember, he didn't.

Even after that live, Minho's and his relationship had no difference, of course. It was the same, no smile, no talks, no eye roll, Heck not even a glance.

He didn't expect much anyway. It was pretty typical of Minho to ignore him. Their ignorance was something that could be easily misinterpreted as a 'Tom and Jerry' relationship, occasional tantrums from Seungmin, banter from Minho... it was all a dynamic relationship.

Currently, the members were inside the dance practice room, practising their choreography for S-CLASS. They had a hectic schedule this month, especially with the promotions, interviews, and variety shows. It was surely a lot of work.

Seungmin could only imagine how hard it must be for Minho since he was particularly the busiest member this month. Being an MC was never really Seungmin's cup of tea. He would sometimes scroll on his social media and find those old videos of him when he was one, Seungmin couldn't help but cringe.

He thought that being an MC suited Minho the most out of everyone in the group, he wasn't biased. But the fact that Minho took the job on so professionally, acting out every dialogue, posing for the camera, not to mention those cute outfits they make him wear. Minho was surely a top-notch.

Seungmin's eyes lazily wander across the room, landing on one particular member who made his life hell.

He was now seated, actually, all of the members were, except for dance racha, they were practising their hearts out.

He let his eyes stay on Minho, observing how each part of his body moved to the rhythm of the music. His eyes traced Minho from his legs, watching how they almost sweeped the entire floor with his fast, smooth footwork. And then slowly moving them to his upper body. There was no denying Minho was an amazing dancer. Seungmin's heart warmed every time when he recalled that moment where Minho said that though being one of the best dancers in StrayKids, he never wanted to outshine any of them. Many people called him out for being a dancer and never really outdoing anyone in the group. When that was literally what he never wanted to do.

Seungmin's lips unconsciously form a small smile as they now gazed at the older's face.

Minho was panting hard during the dance, but he still kept on going. Letting his sweat trail down from his forehead to his pale neck, his bangs were stuck on his head due to the beads of sweat formed.

It was illegal to be this hot.

Seungmin quickly tore his eyes away, shaking those unholy thoughts from his mind.

Minho was his fellow member. It's wrong for him to think this way.

Perhaps that's what he believed.

Soon, the music came to a stop, indicating that dance racha were done with their practice.

Felix immediately made his way beside Seungmin, wiping his face in his towel.

"Hey, Seung, wanna go out later?" He asked with his deep, raspy voice, tired from all the dancing he assumed. Felix sat down on the ground, gulping the bottled water in one go.

Seungmin chuckled and nodded. "Where to, though?"

Felix wiped the excess liquid away from his lips and faced him. "Ramen centre? I'm literally starving. " He answered. Just then, Seungmin felt another presence sitting down beside him, throwing his sweaty body on the younger.

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