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5 years earlier

LaaLaa's eyes fluttered closed as she lay in her bed seperate from her siblings, the sun already gone. LaaLaa's world went dark, opening her eyes to some sort of creature she'd never seen before.

"Hello." The creature greeted, she had bright blue eyes, similar to LaaLaa's eyes herself. "Um hello!" Replied LaaLaa, nervousness clear in her voice. "Who...Who are you?" She stuttered, looking around LaaLaa could see she was in some sort of building. "Where am I?"

The creature smiled. "I don't have a name. But you can just call me Ghost. You're in a school." LaaLaa stared in confusion. "A school is where you go to learn."  Ghost said in response to LaaLaa. "Ohhhh" LaaLaa pulled herself up with the help of her new friend, Ghost being taller than LaaLaa. Ghost was wearing some sort of outfit, long black fur hung down from her head, tied into two ponytails. "I've never been in a school before."

"Yeah." Ghost hums. "I don't think you'll see one for a while." Now that LaaLaa could hear her, Ghost appeared and sounded around the same age as LaaLaa if not a couple years older. "Well I'm LaaLaa! I've never seen anything like you before." Ghost chuckled "I don't think I exist anymore."

LaaLaa blinked in confused. "Huh what do you mean?" "Im a human." Ghost shrugged "and if I'm gone and you don't know what a human is then I doubt humans are still here alive." LaaLaa frowned. "Oh no! I don't want you to be gone!"

Ghost patted her on the head. "Don't worry about me. I'll be here with you for a while yeah?" "So you're my friend?" Ghost smiled "yeah. I'm your friend."

The two talked for a while, LaaLaa sharing stories about her siblings. "Then Po was able to grab my orange ball from the top of the tree!" She threw her hands in the air to explain her point. They both chuckled. "Your sister seems smart!" LaaLaa beamed "she is! She's the best little sister ever!" A comfortable silence hung in the air before Ghost started speaking.

"LaaLaa?" "Yeah Ghost?" "Don't let him in."

Then LaaLaa woke up.

Later that morning LaaLaa asked NooNoo what a human was. He just sputtered and told her to go eat breakfast with her siblings.

LaaLaa's nightmareWhere stories live. Discover now