ONE SMALL THING - A Dramione Fanfic: Chapter 4

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And The Guilty One Is Back.

Although I hate excuses, I have a couple of good ones for disappearing for 2 years:

- I changed jobs;

- I moved twice (and we will possibly move to another state later this year...);

- Suffered an acute and prolonged bout of Idon'tknowhoworwhattowritedness (it's a terrible thing to suffer from - just ask any respectable, headbashing writer);

- My baby boy was born 34 weeks premature. He's now a month old and finally home from the hospital.

Amid all of the chaos, headbashing and unpacking (again) I never stopped reading comments and feeling the intense need to update, so here is the next chapter.

Thank you for sticking by me. I hope the next chapter will be good enough to make up for all the wait!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter. I do own a Time-turner (a birthday gift from my brother) which obviously doesn't work because then I would have updated YEARS ago.....

ONE SMALL THING - Chapter 4. **



*"Never look back unless you are planning to go that way."- Henry David Thoreau*


*"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays."-Douglas Adams*




"So let me get this straight," Ron said for the hundredth time from the back seat of Harry's Muggle car. Harry and Ron, or more and less just Ron but Harry was okay with it, had decided to rent a flat in the muggle part of London. Arthur Weasly had been to visit fifteen times over a course of thirteen days and had already managed to blow up a toaster, hex the shower curtain, drain all the water from the taps, put ketchup in his coffee, coffee into the salt-shaker and spray shaving cream all over the living room carpet. Harry was exhausted, and the two boys hadn't even started their auror training yet.

"So, what happened was that the Ravenclaw bint-"

"-she's not a bint, Ronald, her name is-"

"-fine, the Ravenclaw wench's mum-"

"-Nope, it was her father..."

"...okay then - her FATHER - went completely mental and blew up a table at a tea-party?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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