Chapter 2. Newt and sophie

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Sophie's pov: I shouldn't be mean to newt anymore he is really sweet and cute today when he asks me out on a date I'm going to say yes. Hey Sophie so I was thinking me and you should go out to dinner this Friday. Oh newt I'd love to go to dinner with you this Friday! I replied . You would? Newt asked. Yeah I would. I replied. Okay I'll pick you up around 7. Newt said. Okay. I replied and hugged him. Wow i like hugs! Newt said. I laughed. I have to get to class talk to you later okay? Yeah newt replied. Bella! I yelled. What? Bella replied. I'm going on a date with newt! OMG finally! She replied. I know I've finally realzied newt was a nice guy and super cute. Well I'm glad you realzied that. Bella replied. Hey now we can go on triple dates! You And Troy pepper and sawery newt and I! Yay I've always wanted to go on dates with my best friends! Bella replied. Me to mama.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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