Chapter 2: Math with Baldimore

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Iratus soon found his classroom, it was hard to since about all the door has the number 99 on it. He then soon went to his desk and sit down. He looked around the room, but no one else was there. He looked again, still no one. Then he turned to the front of his desk and nearly jumped out of his skin, in front of his desk was his teacher. Iratus soon asked ,"Are you my teacher bald man?" The person said ," Ya I am and don't call me that, my name is Baldi Baldimore." But before he could say anything else Iratus laughed and said ,"Wait, you're name is Baldi and you're last name is Baldi-more." Baldi responded ,"It is." Iratus then soon laughed even more and he was getting on Baldi's nerves. Soon Baldi had enough of Iratus' laughing and he smacked his desk with his ruler and he said ,"NO MORE LAUGHING ABOUT MY NAME!" Iratus soon got angrier. Baldi started to say ,"Now it's time for everybody's favorite subject." Iratus soon said ,"Lunch." Baldi said ,"Lunch isn't a subject." Iratus said ,"Whatever Baldi." Baldi responded ,"Math!" Iratus soon banged his head on the desk. Baldi said ,"How about you use the You Can Think Pad." Iratus asked," You Can Think What?" Baldi sat the You Can Think Pad on Iratus' Desk. "Is this a game or a piece of math crap?",  Asked Iratus. "It's not crap", said Baldi. "Just try it", he said. "Alright alright!", said Iratus picking up the You Can Think Pad. 

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