Chapter 42

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I had just arrived at LAX, and as usual without a doubt there are photographers there. I push past making my way to the departure boards. I search for the planes that have departed or are departing for Sydney. QANTAS airlines to Sydney, due to depart now!


I run as fast as I could till I reached the Qantas Check in counter. I felt like was gliding through the air it was asif my feet weren't even touching the ground. 

I push past the line running directly to the front. 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for pushing but please get me on the flight leaving for Sydney now"

The middle aged lady behind the counter look startled. She began to tap a few things into her computer.

"I'm sorry sir the plane has gone, I can put you on the next flight to Sydney"

"No! No! No! The girl I love is on that plane" I covered my face trying to calm myself, I was too late. 

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that! What's her name?" The couple I had just pushed in front of asked me, they had tears and sympathy in their eyes. 

"Um Isabella Ryan" I sighed. 

"It's never to late" 

"It is, once she lands in Sydney I will never be able to find her" I started to swell up with emotions, god I'm such a girl. 

"Uh excuse me sir, Isabella Ryan did you say?" 

"Yes" I shot my head up.

She started typing into her computer again. She was concentrating.

"According to my computer, she never boarded the plane." 


"She checked in but never boarded the plane, So she is still in LA."

"Does that mean she could still be here in the airport?"

"That is a possibility."

Suddenly, somebody began tugging on my pants. I look down to find a young girl probably around 8 years old. She had natural golden blonde hair; she had little blonde ringlets cut to shoulder length. She was wearing a I <3 One Direction t-shirt.


"Hi Harry, I saw her, I saw her!" she kept hugging on my pants excitedly.

I knelt down next to her.

"Saw who?"

"I saw Bella!"

"You saw her where?"

"She was getting into a yellow car."

"do you mean a taxi?"

"Yes a yellow car"

"How long ago?"

"before" at this point I now know I’m not going to get much more information out of the young girl, but the main piece of information i now know is that she is anywhere but LAX.

"Thank you so much sweetheart" I wrapped my arms around the tiny girl.

"I love you!" she smiled hugging me back.

"I love you too, have you ever been to one of our shows?" I asked.

"No, mummy can’t afford to take me" she poked her bottom lip out, and my heart broke.

"Does someone have a pen and paper?" I quickly questioned, almost instantly pens and paper were thrown left right and center. I scribble on it.

"here, this is number, you tell your mummy to call and ask for Paul, he will set you up with some tickets to out concert, we will fly you out and you can meet the rest of the boys too!" i smiled handing her the little price of paper.

Her eyes lit up.

"Who’s your favourite?"

"LIAM!" she jumped.

"Well ill make sure to tell him all about you!"

"Thank you!" she jumped on the spot.

Before running off I assume to where her mother was.

I thank everyone and apologies for pushing in, before i run of back out of LAX.

And heading back to the hotel maybe she changed her mind and came back.

Hop into a cab and pull my phone out of my pocket. I attempt at calling Bella's phone again. This time it rang through, before it went to voice mail. 

My phone began to buzz I had just hot a twitter blast from one of the fans. It was captioned "Bella spotted leaving the Beverly Hilton hotel" with a photo attached of her climbing into the back of a cab. 

It was late so the drive from LAX was fast. As soon as I enter the hotel my phone begins to ring in my pocket, it's Paul's probably wondering where I am. 

I clock the green answer button. 

"Hey Paul!"

"Harry! Its Bella There's been an accident!".

My heart stopped.  


FYI - PLEASE read my new fan fic :) i have only written two chapters but once this is over i really hope everyone will continue to read my new one :) MAd about you. 

Hey guys,

Sorry last chapter was really short so i thought i would give you another one :)

im struggling to write these last remaining chapters, so updating may be less frequent.

Winner will be announced SOON :)

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