Chapter 4

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HUMMINGPAW WAS WATCHING HER FRIENDS and family from above, her gaze was sad. Even though she had made lots of friends she still felt lonely. Rainingpaw watched from a distance away, she too had died at a young age, but due to a monster. 

(Back to Treeclan)

Snoozestar was rushing around, Oppsy- I meant all cats, they were getting ready for the gathering. Jaypaw was still depressed that her crush had passed. Luckyleg limped around camp making sure everybody was okay to go to the gathering, well except queens and kits.

At moonhigh the cats made their way to the Big moose. Wonderingdreams was making sure Jaypaw stayed on the path and didn't wonder off by herself. 

Jaypaw wasn't in her right mind after Hummingpaw passed, she became depressed and less talkative, making her mentor and family worried for her. Eaglepaw and Clovekit were also not the best.

Clovekit was traumatized and didn't want to sleep because as soon as she closed her eyes a nightmare of that night played and played in her mind. Looks like she got ptsd.

Eaglepaw was sad but not as sad as Jaypaw, she, unlike most cats, hadn't let the death affect her training. She was sad but continued to train hard.

Luckyleg was feeling guilty that he let that happen to his new apprentice. His family has passed already and now his apprentice! He didn't even want to go to the gathering at Big moose.

(Short chapter cuz I lazy)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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