the start

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Hii!! Since I love Alice in Borderland I decided to make a Niragi fanfic🤞🏻JUST TO MAKE SURE I DO NOT SUPPORT HIS ACTIONS! I've read many fanfics and I wanted to make one myself, I already wrote one like 3 years ago but it was really goofy so let's just say that this is my first fanfic okay?💀well anyways just so you know English isn't my first language so if you find any mistakes in the way it's worded or in punctuation feel free to correct me!! I hope y'all enjoy this fanfic and give me some feedbacks😭🫶🏻 Also there's gonna be smut in here, maybe some blood, killing, kinks (probably), maybe forcing and things like that so just make sure that you're okay with that before you read it!!!!

I've been in the Borderlands for two weeks now, at the 4th day since the start I met a guy named Arisu, we met in one of the games and stayed together because both of us were alone.

While playing another game we heard a group of guys talking about some place called Beach. After we finished the game we came back to our place and talked about the guys and the Beach. We needed this, we were all alone, not really knowing what's happening and if this ever ends, we were desperate for any information. So we decided that if we ever see them again we'll follow them and see that place for ourselves.

After few more games we saw them again and decided to take our chance, we followed them as they got into their cars and ran after them. When we were getting closer to the Beach we hid at the bridge and watched them.

„How do they have an electricity?" asked Arisu after 10 minutes of watching them and turned to me.

„I don't know but it's really-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I felt sharp pain at the back of my head and everything went black.

After few hours I woke up, feeling the sun hitting my face, sweat dripping down my forehead. I started slowly opening my eyes, my legs and arms tied up to a chair and I still felt my head hurting from the way it was hit yesterday night. I looked around and saw people looking at me, there were some guys at the door, a woman with sunglasses and short hair, a man with glasses and another woman with bangs. After looking around the room I turned my head to the side and noticed Arisu next to me, tied up to a chair as well.

„Thank god you're here" I said quietly, looking at Arisu as he gave me a comforting smile.

Then suddenly some guy came in, he was wearing sunglasses and had a black hair almost to his shoulders.

„You're finally awake, our stalkers!" he laughed and then looked at us with a serious look, crossed his arms and asked: „Why were you following my men yesterday?"

His look send shivers down my spine and then I heard Arisu's voice: „We heard about the Beach and we didn't know where else to go, we just want answers, we're not here to cause any trouble."

I just nodded at his words as I looked at the man in front of us, the guy started laughing and took off his sunglasses. „I'm glad to hear that," he said and straightened his back, „I'm Hatter by the way, and you?"

His mood changed and he started smiling at us. „I'm Arisu and this is y/n." said Arisu and looked over at me. The Hatter smiled again and said: „Pleasure to meet you both!" After that he told us about the cards and the rules of the Beach. We didn't have any other choice then to stay and collect the cards for them.

After we were untied they told us the numbers of our rooms, we went to look at them and thankfully they were next to each other. The first thing I did as I entered my room was taking a shower, I haven't had a hot shower in a few days so I took my time, washing the dirt and dried blood off me, washing my hair as well. I finally felt fresh and clean as I got out the shower, drying my body and hair. I came to the bed and noticed few drawers next to it, I looked in them and the only thing I could find were swimsuits. I remembered one of the Hatter's rules and picked myself some black bikini top and shorts. I put it in and put on a short sleeve shirt over it. After I looked somehow normal I went to Arisu's room, knocking on the door and as he opened them I realised he did the same as me, noticing his wet hair. „Do you wanna stay in your room or look around this place?" I said, fixing the bracelet with a number on my wrist. He quickly got out the room and smiled: „There's no way I'm staying in this room, we gotta check it out in here."

For the rest of the day we were looking around the hotel, from our rooms to a club and pool, getting used to the place and the people. It started getting darker and some guy came to us and looked at Arisu: „Hatter wants to talk with you, come with me." Arisu nodded and started following him after quickly saying: „Look around to see if there's any weird things!" He then walked off and I was now alone.

I decided to go to the pool, relax my mind and body after the last few days. I get myself some drink and sit down on the stairs, listening to music and looking at the people dancing and going crazy in the pool. As I'm sitting and enjoying the moment I suddenly hear someone from behind me say: „Hey you're in my way, move". „Huh, can't you just walk aro-" I say as I turn around, not finishing what I wanted to say as I see a gun few inches from my face. I look up and see a black haired guy pointing at me with the gun, his dark eyes piercing through me. I completely froze as his eyes kept hypnotising me.
„Are you deaf or just stupid?" he says with a cocky grin as I quickly stand up and move away from him. He then looks me up and down with a smirk, licking his lips, making his tongue show a piercing as he points the gun away from me. „You're lucky I didn't shoot you." he laughs and walks away, walking over to some guy with tattoos and some katana or something like that.

„Who was that guy?" I tell myself as I watch him sit down and talk to that tattooed man.
„Oh that's Niragi" says a girl's voice, I turn around and see the girl that said it looking at Niragi just like me. She then looks at me and says: „That guy over there is Niragi, he's one of the militants and he thinks that everyone's gonna do as he wants. If you wanna make your life easier in here I recommend you to stay away from him as far as you can".
„Oh and I'm Kuina!" she says and puts out her hand. „I'm y/n" I smile and shake her hand. We then sit down and drink, we talk about the people here and she tells me how it actually works in here. We continue chatting and after some time I decide to go to my room and rest so I say: „Hey Kuina I'm gonna go to my room, I'm really tired and I just wanna lay down and sleep."
„Yeah I get that, get some rest!" she smiles and I stand up. „Thanks, see you tomorrow!" I say with a smile as I walk to my room, drinking the rest of my drink. As I'm close to my room I notice Arisu reaching his room as well. „Hey! So how was you chitchat with Hatter?" I chuckle and look at him. He gives me a half smile and says:„Yeah it was fine but I'm so tired, I'm gonna go to sleep."
I nod and respond:„Yeah me too, goodnight."

I walk into my room, take off my clothes and take a quick shower, luckily there was a new toothbrush for me so I brush my teeth and then jump into bed. As I'm laying down I think about the day and everything that happened, then my mind gets stuck on the pool. I start thinking about Niragi. „Who does this guy think he is?" I think to myself, remembering how close the gun was to my face. What if he accidentally pulled the trigger? I could've been dead at the spot, that guy is no good. I keep thinking of him and after some time I fall asleep.

Heyyyy!! Okay this part isn't really long, I just wanted y'all to get into the story and I didn't really want to make them do some woohoo in the first chapter💀 don't worry, there's gonna be much more of Niragi🤭 I hope y'all like it, I don't know how often I'll be posting but I'll try my best! Also I'm going on a school trip tomorrow and I'll be back at Wednesday so I'm not really sure when I'll post the next chapter but I'll try to post it as soon as I can! Please leave feedbacks or comments about what would you want next 😋 So hope y'all enjoy <33

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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