24. Rollercoaster (Part 2)

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Last Secret Last Fantasy

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Last Secret Last Fantasy.
Chapter 24: Rollercoaster (Part 2)

They weren't alone for much time.

Even though the time seemed to fly for Lisa, it was three hours they spent together before Jisoo, Taehyung, and Jennie caught up with them. A few glances about why was she there already, with Jungkook, were thrown. But the guy seemed to be a fast thinker: "We saw each other at the entrance. That's all". Huh, she'd wish to be like that when lying rather than physically leaving and flying on an astral trip before coming up with a poor answer nobody believes in.

Soon enough, some other people joined. Jung Eun Ha, Cha Eun Woo, Kim Mingyu, this girl who said she is just "Shuhua", Miyawaki Sakura –an exchange student– and, surprisingly for her, Jimin was coming too.

It was a clear fact that she did not know any of these people except Jimin and the nervousness attacked just as they approached.

But it wasn't as hard as she thought.

It was all due to them though. She never talked to these people yet all of them greeted her like they'd known each other since always. No awkward moments— well, not THAT awkward. They smiled at her like nothing –especially Eun Ha, she seemed really nice– and didn't try to make an attempt of questioning things. Something she hated. She hated being asked things. So, a smile and a wave of her hand were enough to call this social experiment a total success.

And she was jumping with excitement in her mind. She was on cloud nine.

"Hi, little one, you look happy," Jimin's sweet voice said, messing with her bangs.

"Hi. I guess I do."

He didn't say much more and just passed by with a smile, approaching to reach Taehyung and Jennie who were assigned as the leaders of the group. Jisoo didn't have any intention to have that role, she would just have fun today!

"I never heard something as corny as little one."

Jungkook appeared at her side, rolling his eyes.

"Corny, stupidly corny, and also, cringe," he turned around, walking backward with his gaze on her. "Don't you think?"

"You're cringe as hell too and you're still breathing."

"Ha, ha, how funny."

There were so many games to play that it was almost impossible not to freak out, it was even more exciting to play with a large group of people, contrary to what she would have thought. She had already gone up the roller coaster with Jungkook, and also some flying hammocks that stole some laughs out of her. But other than that, they ran out of time between eating and talking, so there wasn't much else they could do.

Jennie and Taehyung had decided that bumper cars were the best first option since there were few people at the time. To say that they occupied most of the strollers was a fact and, from outside the track, some children whimpered at this.

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