Chapter Fifteen: Conflict

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"Bro what?"

"Do you want blood instead?"

Izuku sat there for a moment then stood up and sighed heavily.

"Fine but I'm telling my best friends about this" 

"But I said-"

"End of discussion"

Izuku grabbed the piece of hair and ate it. After Choking on it like a cat he went home. Izuku walked into the house and was immediately attacked by questions.

"What did All Might want?!" Momo asked

"I'll tell you in a second"

"But I want to know now!"

Momo pouted as Izuku patted her head and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a water from the fridge and sighed. He held his throat and a single tear fell down his face. Momo looked at him confused as he stood there.

"Are you okay Zuku?"

"Mhm...just great"

Izuku sat down on the couch and tired to forget about what happened in the past hour. Momo sat down next to him.

"Are you going to tell me now?"

"I guess, All might offered to give me his quirk"


"Yeah it's weird, but he wanted me to be his successor and inherit his quirk so I agreed"

"But how-"

"We don't speak about that. Also I wasn't technically supposed to tell you"

"But you did anything cause you love me"

"That and you'll be asking me hella questions"

"I hate talking to you sometimes, you never have anything nice to say"

"But I agreed with you"

"Do you know how to use your quirk yet?"


"Why don't you try it out"


Izuku got up and walked to the training room with Momo following him. Izuku activated the quirk and his arm had red lines on it while glowing. Izuku punched the punching bag destroying it and his arm. Both Momo and Izuku were shocked for different reasons that is. Izuku was pissed off that All Might didn't explain everything fully and Momo was just concerned about his broken arm.

"That son of a-"

"Izuku are you okay?!"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine"

"Kids is everything- Oh my what happened?" Inko asks

Both Izuku and Momo froze, Izuku hid his arm behind his back and smiled.

"Oh nothing just a rough day that's all"

"What are you hiding Izuku? Show me your arm"

"That really isn't-"

"Izuku Midoriya show me your arm this instinct!"

Izuku felt a chill go down his spine as he showed her his arm. Inko's face just showed horror as she looked at him arm.

"What in the world happened to you?!"

"Like I said, I just had a rough day that's all"

Inko sighed then looked at Izuku.

"Are you sure being a hero is the best choice?"

"Yeah I'm sure, I know you don't like me getting hurt but that's the process of being a hero and I want to continue training to be one"

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