First Yarn

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The morning air was cool and crisp as the boy wandered across rolling green hills. Birdsong filled the stillness and sunshine danced upon dewdrops clinging to tall grass and clusters of wildflowers. As he crested a nearby hill, he spied a curious sight - a tall, silvery pole rising from the earth, glinting in the golden dawn light. Something fluttered at its peak. Intrigued, the boy followed bubbling creeks and walked through soft valleys on his way to the strange pole. Reaching its base, he saw a worn cloth flapping gently in the breeze, filling the quiet air with a musty smell. The boy began to climb. Each rung was smooth and worn from age beneath his gripping hands. Reaching the top, he squinted at the words burned into the wood: "For Good Reasons." The enigma filled him with new wonder. The boy stayed and pondered through the bright morning until the sun rose high, casting the world in a warm glow. Then clarity struck him - he thought he understood at last. The boy raced home across sun-warmed grass, bursting through the cabin door. "Ma!" he said, breathless. "I've had quite the experience." His mother smiled. "Tell me all about your adventure, my curious boy."The boy recounted every detail eagerly. When he described the strange words, his mother chuckled. "You've learned an important lesson, my dear. Some things simply are, needing no reason beyond their own being." The boy frowned. "A lesson? From an old pole?"His mother took his hand, gazing at him with love. "The very best kind."A smile spread across the boy's face. "You mean just being is reason enough?" "Precisely," his mother said proudly. The boy raced back, climbing the pole once more. As the sun set in golden hues, filling him with wonder. No explanation beyond simple joy was needed. Simply being there, alive and curious, was wonder itself.

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