My Heart Is Set on You (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)

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I woke up at 11:00 am. It's moving dat today. We are moving to Holmes Chapel, from Halifax. I truly don't want to move. I have to many good friends here in Halifax, and I don't want to make new ones. Aislin, Katy, Bel and Ali are my best friends. We have been through hell together, and it's gonna be hard to leave them. 

I sat up and looked at my bare walls of my room, and stared at the full boxes lables Abby's Room . I started to cry. My mother wlaked in. "Morning sweetie. Are you okay?" She asked. I shrugged and grabbed my brand new iPhone off my nightstand. I checked my Twitter. I had tweets from all 250 followes. "Abby, don't be sad. You can always come see your friends." My mom said, turning my light on . "Mom! What the hell?!" I said. 

"Watch your language. Now go get in the shower so we can get going." she scolded. "Fine." I sighed. "Thank you." she said then walked out. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the outfit I had left out last night and walked into the bathroom. I took a quit shower and got dressed. I wore a pair of red skinny jeans and a white long-sleeved crop-top with a red heart on it. I blew my hair dry and then put it in a ponytail with my bangs left out, and parted to the left. I walked out of the bathroom, put my clothes in my book bag and checked my phone. I had a text from my ex-boyfriend Edward. It read, I'm going to miss you Abbs. I smiled. I grabbed my purse and book bag and walked downstairs to the kitchen, My mom made me pancakes, but I wasn't hungry. 

I sat on the couch and laid down. "Abby, sweetie, you need to eat." my mother said. "I'm not fucking hungry. So just leave me alone for the rest of the day, please!" I said. "Okay." she sighed. I rolled my eyes and text Ed back. Ahw! thx. I'll miss u 2 ;). After my mom ate we left. The moving guys were going to load the rest of our stuff into the moving truck. I listened to music on my phone the entire three ours we were in the car. We reached our new house. 

I got out of the car with my book bag and purse in hand. Our new neighbors had a kid my age. He is really cute and had the curliest hair I have ever seen on a boy. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. I walked into the house and took a deep breath. "What do you think?" my mom asked, startling me. "I like it. Where's my room?" I asked. "Oh, down the hall, last door on your left." she smiled.

I nodded and waked back there. My room was pink and green, and the carpet was purple. I have my dream room. I sat my book bag on the floor and walked back out to my mom. "Mum, I love it!" I laughed. "I knew you would." she laughed. I hugged her tightly. "I'm sorr for this morning. I was just really upset." I whispered., still hugging her. "Sweetie, it's okay." she smiled. 

"The moving guys are here." I said. She let go of me and opened the door. They brought the rest of our stuff in. They got all my stuff in first. I went to my room and started unpacking. I got all my clothes in my walk in wardrobe, and in my dresser. I got my bed where I wanted, then Ed called me. "Hey babe." I said, plopping on my bed. 

"Hi, I miss you already." he said. 

"Same. You should come over." I replied. 

"Babe, you know your mum would never go for that." 

"I know." 

"I have a question." Ed stated. 


"Will you be my girlfriend again?" 

"Yes! Oh my God!" I laughed. 

"Okay, go tell your mom." he said. 


"Just go tell your mom." he interrupted. "I'll be over later. I promise." 

"Okay. I love you." I said. 

"I love you too, bye honey." He said. 

"Bye." I said then hung up. I rolled off my bed and walked into the kitchen where my mum was. I sat at the breakfast bar. "Mum...Me and Ed are back together." I said. "What?!" she exclaimed. "Me and Ed..."

"I heard you. I don't like that." she said. "Well you should! Ed makes me happy." I said. "Okay. I assume you he is coming over." she said. "He said he will be over later." I replied. "Okay." she sighed. I smiled. "I love you mommy." I said. "I love you too." she laughed.

An hour later Ed pulled into our driveway. I ran outside and hugged him. Our neighbor boy was with some of his friends were playing football. I kissed Ed. "Hi babycakes." he smiled. The boys nextdoor wre staring at us. "Hi, I'm Abby! Take a picture it will last longer." I said. "I'm Harry. We don't mean to stare." he siad. 

"It's okay lad." Ed said, sliding his hand in my back pocket. I smiled. "Bye guise!" I said. Ed and I walked inside. My mom was unpacking boxes in our living room. "Hey mum!" I said. "Hi." she replied. She looked at Ed. "Hello Edward." she added. "Good afternoon Ms. Hughes." Ed replied. "C'mon Ed. I wanna show you my room." I said. "Keep your door open." My mom said. "Okay."  I said. I pulled Ed to my roon. "Baby, it's so you." he smiled. 

"I know. Will you help me unpack." I asked. "Of course. What do you want unpacked first?" he asked. "My pictures...It's gotta look like home." I said. He smiled and kissed me. 

We started unpacking all my pictures. My mom brought us a hammer and some nails. We hung my pictures up very creatively. Then we hung my decorative lights up. When we finished that we sat in my bay window with seats. He wrapped his arms around me. We watched Harry and his friends play football. Ed started kidding my neck. I love neck kisses from Ed. 

"Abby I love you." Ed said. "I love you too Edward." I smiled, looking up at him. He smiled at me. "Hey these mover guys set my tampoline for us. Wanna go jump?" I asked. "Sure." he replied. We got up and went out back. Ed got on first, then hlepled me on. We jumped for about 15 minutes then Harry walked back to us. "Hey, I don't mean to interrupt." he said. "You're fine." I said sitting on the trampoline. I sat on Ed's lap. "I just wanted to welcome you too Holmes Chapel." Harry said. 

"Thanks! What year are you in?" I asked. "Year ten." he replied. "Me too." I said. Ed laughed. "I feel like an old man." Ed said. "Why?" I asked. "Because I am not in school anymore." he replied. "You graduated already?" Harry asked. "Yeah, one year ago." Ed replied. "Cool...well I have to get to practice. See you." Harry said. I waved. Harry left. Ed rolled us over.

He hovered over me, kissing my neck. "Do yoiu know how bad I want you right now?" he asked. "Pretty bad, cause I want you more" I said. "I love you so so much Abby." he said. "Abby!" my mom yelled from the front. Ed stopped kissing me. "Yeah mum?" I shouted. "Come here!" I sighed. We got off the trampoline and walked up front. "Yes mom?" I asked. "What do you two want for dinner?" She asked. "Spaghetti." I said. "Yeah that sounds good." Ed agreed. "Okay, I'll have to go to the store. I'll be rback in about an half an hour." she said. I nodded. She grabbed her keys and left. As soon as she pulled out of the driveway Ed kissed me. 

I kissed him back. "Let's never break up again." I said. He nodded and pushed me to my room as we kissed. We made it to my room. I laid on my bed. His body was inches from mine. "Eddy, don't you fucking tease me." I said. "Haven't you noticed that I am a big tease." he winked. I rolled my eyes and kissed him again. I pulled his shirt off. He has been working out. He was toned. I smiled. "Love it." I said. "Shut up and let me kiss you." he growled I bit my bottom lip. I love it when he gets agressive. All the sudden his phone rang. He sighed and answered it. "Hello?"





I looked at him. "Babe...I have to go." He said. I frowned. He put his shirt on and kissed me as I sat up. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I replied. He hugged me and then left. 


That was the last time I was that close to Ed. His management made him break up with me and stop talking to me. Harry left for the X factor. He got put in a group with four other boys and named it One Direction, and my mom got pregnant. I now has a step father named Charles and a 2 year old sister named Lucy. I just graduated, top of my class and I am still stuck in Holmes Chapel.  

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