Chapter 4: The Black Market

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Spread out before Harrison was the infamous black market, an extensive network of interconnected tunnels and expansive underground caverns.

The narrow winding tunnels are filled with vendors who sell modest goods, while the larger caverns hosted stalls for bigger merchants offering a wider variety of much valuable items such as weapons, consumables, and rare materials from dungeons.

Every corner and crevice bustled with ceaseless commerce. Merchants, peddlers, and shabby individuals alike, all of them were striving to secure their own share of profits.

"Will you perhaps require a tour, my esteemed noble?"

"That will be unnecessary, I've been rather well informed."

"Excuse me for my presumptuousness, however it's a long-standing tradition for new visitors to take a tour with a pathfinder on their first visit. We wouldn't want anyone to get lost after all."

"Thank you for your concern but, I've never heard of such information from my retainers. Are you perhaps implying that my people are incompetent?" Harrison replied with a chilly tone.

"No! Forgive me, I didn't mean to imply it that way."

"Do you now mean to say that I am mistaken?"


"Leave, before you fan my temper even further"

"Th-thank you!!!"

Watching him turn to leave after a court bow, Harrison couldn't help but sigh.

'What a shrewd guy, there's no such tradition that conveniently gives you bunch a free charge, y'know.'

Pathfinders were the bottom of the barrel, however they were expected to be loyal to the underworld, executed the moment they deviated from their duties.

That doesn't necessarily mean they were forever pushovers. Turning into a pathfinder was the first step to get into the powerhouses of the underworld.

For them, loyalty and trust were the most valuable personalities for their recruits. Money can buy what they lack, be it strength, abilities, or magic.

With Harrison left alone, he finally continued onwards.

The tunnels were lined with wooden beams, dimly lit with few light sources from the walls here and there.

Stall spaces within these passageways were priced accordingly to such nuisance, dimmer areas were generally cheaper compared to well-lit areas.

However caverns presented a different case, although some areas were similarly dim, they portrayed a decidedly more luxurious atmosphere. Their walls were adorned with the kind of decorations one might expect in a high-end bar, every corner offering pricey goods.

"Everyone! We got a variety of ores, and the ones with a chance of jade! Come test your luck!

"You there! I got some good alcohol, take a look they came from neighboring kingdoms!!!"

"Healing potions! Healing potions!"

"Sir you by chance looking for weapons?"

Passing through the tunnels Harrison ignored the onslaught of sale pitch and haggle, as he observed the items being sold left and right, but nothing particularly piqued his interest aside from the common dungeon materials on display.

The Adventurer's Guild bought these materials at a fixed price, not for the purpose of reselling or crafting items, but for the purpose of uncovering their properties.

The funds used to purchase these materials came directly from the Kingdom, in exchange they were the first to be informed on any significant discoveries.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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