Chapter 19- Asking Out

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Edmon Zenith

"What are... are you doing? Why?" He asks in a breathy whisper and his voice sends tingles through my body.

"Payback," I answer before smashing my lips against his. A moan escapes from both of us as my lips glide against his soft ones. My hands slide up to his waist and I don't waste any time in pulling him flush against me. This causes him to gasp, allowing me to slide my tongue inside his mouth. My toes curl at the sensation.

His hands slowly wrap around my neck, softly tugging at my hair, making me grunt. He must have liked that because he does it again and this time harder than before, making me growl and pulling him even more into me, so much so that my back is arched and his feet don't touch the ground.

He yelps in surprise which breaks the trance I was in and I slowly set him down but my hands don't leave his side. He is still pressed up to me and we are both panting heavily. His lips are red and swollen. His hands are grabbing at my shirt in tight fists. He's looking down and I want to see him. I want to see his face. I gently nudge my nose against him and he looks up.

I can swear on everything illegal that I have never seen a man this beautiful in my entire life. His pupils are dilated and the red of his eyes is just now a thin ring. So many emotions dance in his eyes but I can't pinpoint one.

"What was that? " His voice was so soft I wouldn't have heard if we weren't pressed so close.

"As I said, payback. Payback for what you did to me while being drunk. "

"I didn't mean to projectile vomit on you. I am sorry. "

That made me chuckle. "You stupid little thing." Bringing my lips to his ear, I speak, "We both know I am not talking about that. Don't play dumb Aiden."

"I don't know... " I bite his earlobe when he tries to deny it, not hard enough to hurt him but enough to shut him up.

"Why are you denying it? " I ask directly. I don't want to go round and round about this topic.

He ducks his head and mumbles out a reply. "I was embarrassed and you didn't help either. Teasing me this whole time. "

I smile at that. I knew I affected him but I didn't know it was this serious. But I have more pressing matters to attend to right now.

"Do you regret our kiss? " I ask, afraid of the answer. But it's necessary. He looks down and takes his sweet time replying, which was just a couple of seconds but they felt like the time had stopped for me.

"No. You? "

"I wouldn't have kissed you before if I regretted it even one bit."

He makes a cute 'o' face in realization and I can't resist this time. So I lean in and kiss him softly. It's just the brush of our lips but I can feel the tingling right to my toes. We pull apart and after looking at his still-swollen lips, I realized that I don't possess the self-control that I thought I had. I dive back in for a long peck.

"You have to stop doing that. " He says in between our kisses. "What does this even mean for us? "

That gets me to stop. Now's my chance. I have to tell him.

"I know this isn't the most ideal way of doing it but I have to ask. I can't wait anymore. Aiden, would you like to go out with me? "

This close I can see a string of emotions dancing across his features. Shock is the most noticeable one. His eyes turn wide and a gasp leaves his mouth. The red is coming back to his pupils and they are fixed on me, searching for something.

"A-are you serious? "

"Yes. "

"No, you are joking. You're just playing with me. Why would you even want to go out with me? I have nothing to give you. " I can see how vulnerable he is right now.

"Are you seriously asking why would I want to go out with you? Aiden you are the most gorgeous person I have ever laid my eyes on. I am thirty-three years old and in my entire time on this planet, I've never had a crush on anyone. I almost believed that I wasn't capable of harbouring a crush. I have never come across someone so sweet, so gentle and so caring until I met you. You are kind, you are beautiful, and if this wasn't enough, you bake brownies which I'm sure Belle's going to become obsessed with. " A chuckle escapes my lips at the last part. Though I haven't tasted them yet, I'm sure they'd taste awesome.

"You mean that? " His voice was just shy of a whisper. He asks so timidly that I just want to pull him closer.

"Absolutely. I don't know who told you all that crap but it's not true. You are so much- " My words get stuck in my throat as he stands on his tiptoes and presses his lips on mine. The kiss is sweet, gentle, and short. But it's also so much more.

"Yes. Yes, I would love to go out with you. " I am sure the largest smile is plastered on my face right now.

"Thank you. " A sigh of relief escapes from my lips. I couldn't help but kiss him one more time. It's addicting. He's addicting.

"I know it's a little overwhelming but how about tomorrow? Does seven sound okay? "

"Yeah okay, sounds great. " He finally smiles and it's blinding. It's so cute I want to smush his cheeks. Neither of us moves from our position and we just stand there, gazing into each other's face.

I can honestly say I am hypnotized.

"Edmon.. "

"Yeah? "

"We've been standing here for a while now. We should go now. "

"Right, just give me a second. " I take one last breath against his neck to smell his intoxicating scent and he shudders. He's testing my control here.

"So we'll meet tomorrow? "

"Yes. Good night Edmon"

"Good night. Text when you reach home, yeah? "

"Hmm." And with a final kiss on his cheek, I release him. I wait for him to get in his car and drive away before I get to my own.

Settling inside, it was like all the weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I could finally breathe, for now.

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