II - injury treatment

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"Okay sweetheart I'm going to tell you everything I'm doing before I do it, and I won't do anything without your permission. Does that make sense?" Lucas asks me, to which I nod.

Knowing what he is going to do comforts me, nothing will be unexpected. I feel myself relax into the couch. Then the pain hits me. I must have been running on adrenaline since I woke up. I squeeze my eyes shut in pain and feel myself cry out. I feel my fingernails dig into my palms and I curl up.

"Doll, hello can you hear me?"

"Sweetheart, can you tell me if you are allergic to any pain medications?"

I manage to mutter out a no to the question and hoped they could make out what I said.

"Sweetheart, I need you to let me take one of your arms, okay?" I nod. "I'm going to take your right arm and I'm going to wipe it down and give you something for the pain, don't freak out if you feel something cool."

I feel my arm being pulled away from my body gently. He turns it slightly and I feel the wipe. I try to put all my focus into what he is doing to distract from the pain.

"Sweetheart I'm going to need you to relax your arm for me if you can. That's it. you're doing great sweetheart, it will start to work shortly."

The pain finally subsided and I can feel hands holding mine as I squeeze them. A hand was slowly rubbing light circles on my back that I could barely feel it. I slowly relax my body feeling tired. I open my eyes to see Lucas and Jase each holding one of my hands.

"Better doll?" Jase questions.

"Ye-ah," my voice cracks.

"Drink some more water sweetheart," I was handed the bottle again and I finish the rest if it.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"It's okay sweetheart, pain is pain. It's not your fault, you're injured," he reassures me. "I will give you something more long lasting in a minute but I just had to give you something that acted quickly."

Jase continued to hold my hand as Lucas finished getting his supplies ready. I begin to fidget with his fingers as I wait. Will he have to look everywhere? What if he gets grossed out with what I look like? What happens if I'm too damaged?

"Alright sweetheart lets take a look at you," I look up realising he finished setting up. "Where would you like me to look first? Or what is causing you the most discomfort?"

I hesitate to answer his question and I don't know the answer.


Her face looks conflicted as she struggles to answer my questions. Maybe I should give her an example to help.

"You foot looks a bit swollen, would you like me to look at that first?" I question. She nods and looks relieved.

I quickly check her foot and ankle for any broken or damaged bones and fine that the bottom of here feet have been slashed up as if to prevent her from leaving. Her left ankle is sprained as well so I get an ice pack to it as I clean out the cuts.

I look up at her as I'm about to bandage her feet only to see her zoned out, again. When this situation is all sorted out I will get her to see one of my colleagues.

"How long has she been zoned out?" I softly ask Jase.

"After you got the ice-pack on," came his reply.

I notice how she fidgets with Jase's hand. I tap the back of her other hand gently to get her to focus back.


I feel someone tapping the back of my hand and I look up and lock eyes with Lucas. I blink then look down slightly avoiding eye contact.

"Sweetheart, you're feet have been taken care of, Jase mentioned that there might be some injuries on your back, would you like be to take a look at them next?"

I nod slowly and Jase helps me to turn around so Lucas can treat my whole back. I adjust my blanket so that he can see my back and pick up on him sharply inhaling.

"Okay sweetheart I know you can't see what I am doing so I will narrate for you so there are no surprises," he is quick to say.

"Thank you," I manage out.

Lucas was very considerate as he looked after my injuries. Jase too as he held my hand all the way through.

Sierra came in when we were nearly done and said she was going to make us up some dinner and asked if there was anything that I would like her to make. I almost cried at this.

I was also shown to a bathroom where I was able to wash my hair before dinner. Lucas gave me some supplies to clean my more private injuries as I asked for them to not look at those injuries. He also gave me a certain pill just in case.

Just after I finished drying my hair and as I was about to change from my towel to comfy looking shorts and t-shirt, a knock came at the bathroom door.

My Doctor: one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now