Unfortunate Events

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1 month later TW 🔞⚠️

"P-please sir don't hurt m-me" the man was sobbing, on his knees. Hyunjin had the man on the ground begging for his life "you hurt children, why exactly should I let you take another breath ?" Hyunjin snarled. The man was trafficking children, he has been for a while and was never caught.
Until Hyunjin got a hold of him.

"S-sir please I promise not to lay another h-hand on a child if you spare m-my life" the man pleaded.
That gave hyunjin an idea, an evil one.
He smirked as he turned towards the man "You're right, You won't ever lay your hand on a child again"
Hyunjin didn't like being the one to commit the torture because it was "too messy" so he signaled one of his men. "Cut his hands off from the wrist" he whispered to one of his men.
"Where you going boss ?" Asked another guard
"To go see my princess of course" he smiled.
He walked away and shut the door as all he can hear was screams of pain and agony.

Felix was laying in Hyunjin's bed, they had a pretty eventful night. After the lap dance stunt at the club, the boss did not waste a moment as he whisked the blonde away to his home and used those tie restraints. As promised.

His eyes fluttered open to see he was in the boss room, he smiled from ear to ear. He knew the man had left earlier but he didn't know where, he laid there for a few minutes not really thinking about anything. He heard the bedroom door opening and he quickly shut his eyes pretending to sleep, he felt the blanket be lifted up as he felt a body lay down and scoot closer to him. He immediately felt the arms of the man wrap around his waist and pull him closer, "good morning my baby" he whispered.

Felix cheeks immediately started to blush "Mhmm good morning handsome" he scooted in closer to hyunjin. "How did you sleep ? My dear" Hyunjin began caressing the blondes hair.
"After last night ? Sore but Amazing" he chuckled.
Hyunjin laughed loudly "awww my poor baby ... I know ... but after what you did last night I couldn't help myself" he pouted.

Felix turned to face his man, "I can't believe I'm getting fucked by the boss" he laughed.
Hyunjin couldn't help but roll his eyes, "I'm not just a boss my little dancer, I'm also your boyfriend and your soon to be husband and one day the father to our children" he teased. They couldn't help but smile at the statement, it was such a beautiful thing to think about.
"I should start getting ready to go home" the blonde let out. Hyunjin sighed "mhm I don't want you to go"
Felix started getting up slowly, pain in his back and his ass. Hyunjin went over to quickly help him as he guided him to the bathroom.
"Do you need help getting dressed baby ?" Hyunjin asked but Felix just shook his head signaling an "I got it"

Hyunjin dropped off his lover and walked him to his door, "since you're off today baby why don't we go out and do something ?" Hyunjin asked with a huge smile on his face. "I'd love too, pick me up at 3 ok sir" he pecked the older and went inside.
Hyunjin stood there his heart melting, he was like a teenage girl as he got into his car and couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

Felix got inside and closed the door, Han was still sleeping so he didn't bother waking him up. He went to his room to change into something comfortable and made his way to the couch to just relax a little. He was skipping through the channels when he heard an aggressive knock on the door.
The knock was so loud it startled him up, Han came out like a second later. "What is that" he asked frightened. Felix told him to keep quiet, the blonde began to approach the door when someone started to kick into it. Han couldn't help but shriek, the two boys wanted to run but they had no time when the last kick completely broke the door off it's hinges.

The two boys were startled as a man came in a familiar man, Han's eyes widened "Jay ?"
"Long time no see Jisung" this is the man that Han ran away from, the man who terrorized him for a year, a man he thought he escaped from. Here he was standing in his living room.

Felix was in shock but immediately intervened, "who are you and what do you want ?" He tried to sound brave but it didn't really sound like it.
"Ohh jisungieee, aren't you going to introduce me to your cute little friend ?"
Han was terrified but it's like he was in the man's control like a dam robot. "Lixie... this is Jay. He's my ... my ..."
"BOYFRIEND" Jay finished the sentence with a sarcastic tone. Felix could see Han's face go white and his eyes go blank as the man said the word "boyfriend".
Felix began to get angry. From the stories Han told him, about this man, he was pure evil.
The same could be said about Hyunjin but the difference was Jay couldn't love anyone not even the man he was supposed to. Hyunjin however worshipped the man he loved, he was a teddy bear to Felix. He was sweet and caring and he overall protected him, oh how he wish his boyfriend was here right now.
Jay didn't have a loving bone in his body. He was evil through and through, he wasn't capable of living another and he most definitely did not deserve Han.

The man got a gun out of his pocket and walked towards them "this is what's going to happen, I initially was going to just take Jisung but seeing your pretty little face... I can't help but want you both" he laughed an evil laugh.
"No Jay don't take lix, he has done nothing wrong. I'm the one that ran away I should be punished" Han began yelling and crying.
That had not affect on the man, he had no remorse or sorrow for the boy. "Jisung shut up !" He shouted leaving Han with his lips closed.
"I know you want me to yourself but why can't we add this beauty to our fun little game" he began to caress the blondes cheek.

Felix garnered the silent voice he had "leave our house right fucking now or else" he hissed.

The man just laughed "oh you're a feisty one, I'm into that" he snarled.

He painted the guns towards the two and motioned them outside into the car, "don't think about yelling or I'll kill you both" the two got in.
Han was too busy sobbing apologizing "lix - I - am - s-so s-sorry" Felix heart broke for his friend, he's spent so long running from this man and he's found him again. How long does he have to keep running till he finds peace ? Felix thought.

Felix was also terrified but he knew he had to be strong for the both of them, they soon arrived to a building somewhat away from the rest of the tall buildings. It was disguised as a market, the two boys were led down into a basement, Felix looked around and he wondered why the man didn't blindfold them. "Take a good look around blondie, you're never seeing the light of day after this" he chuckled.
Felix stomach dropped "he's going to kill us" is all he thought. They finally reached the basement where there was a single bed in the middle of the floor, one small window that they couldn't fit through and it was dingy. "It's not a mansion but welcome home" he shoved the two into the room and slammed the door locking them inside it.
Felix got up and ran to the door trying to open it,
"FUCK" he banged on the door. No luck.

Han was sitting silent ... "he's going to keep us captive, we're never going to get out" he began to sob. Felix was angry but he knew he had to comfort his friend, han was so fragile like glass.
"Hannie ... I promise we will get out of here, I don't know how but we will" he assured the boy who was a crying mess.

Time lapse

Hyunjin was done showering, he was the happiest man on the planet right now. He had such a huge surprise for the blonde he was going to propose ! It did seem fast but hyunjin did not care, he wanted the burlesque dancer for so long and he wasn't waiting any longer. He picked out the most beautiful ring, he was so eager to see his beauty so he did not wait to get ready. He finally finished up looking at himself in the mirror "ready" he smiled.

The boss and his guards arrived to the blondes apartment, hyunjin and his guards approached the apartment door as they saw it was kicked in.
The vase of flowers he brought for his love immediately fell and shattered on the ground.
"What the hell happened" Minho questioned.
The body guards quickly went into the house to investigate not finding the sign of the blonde or his friend. "No one's here" chan exclaimed.
Hyunjin was frozen as he couldn't move his feet, his head was telling him to run but his body couldn't.
Like a switch he started yelling and running out the door "Lix ! Baby !" He had a car waiting on him but he still ran on foot. Shouting at the top of his lungs "Lixie ! Where are you my love !" He had no destination but he continued to run. His bodyguards running right behind him.
"Hyun ! It's clear he's not here !"
Hyunjin for the first time sobbed out loud "my baby ! Where is he !" He shouted at his guards as if they knew the answer.
"FIND HIM NOW" he shouted.

The guards pulled the boss off his knees and into the car, "we'll find him Hyun don't worry" the guard tried to assure him.

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