Asking again

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Waking up from their nap, Louis and Harry are trying to find a place for dinner. Harry wants sushi, but Louis want Mexican. This has always been a struggle for the couple. Someone always wants something different. Most of the time they would ask Archie what he would prefer. However Archie is at his nana's house.

"Let's do rock, paper, scissors! It would solve our problem." Harry say in a extremely happy tone.

"Yeah like the problem of naming our child." Louis said sarcastically. They actually did do rock, paper, scissors to name Archie. When they found out Archie was a boy, Harry wanted Archie while Louis wanted Arlo. As now known Harry won that battle.

"Okay fine. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to do that but you love your son. Right?" Harry said scooting up to Louis since he was on the floor tying his shoes.

Louis jokingly made a thinking face. Harry gasps. "No no baby. I love him soooooo much. I don't know what I would do without him." Harry lightly hit his husband on his head.

"Hey that wasn't very nice. I am gonna to pull an Archie and cry in the corner." Louis said trying not to laugh as he made his way to the corner of the bedroom.

Harry laughed his ass of. Then he said "Oh well I guess I am going to eat Mexican with out you." Harry then got up and ran out the bedroom.

Louis quickly ran out of the corner trying to catch or beat Harry to the front door. Lucky for Harry he was fast enough and beat Louis.

After the couple at Mexican food Harry asked Louis if they could watch the sunset. Of course Louis agreed.

Harry and Louis made their way to a patch of grass that was on the sidewalk. Harry's head was on Louis shoulder. Louis arm was snug around Harry's waist.

Harry was think about his future with Louis. Have small kids running around the house. Taking family trips, vacations. He wanted to have more kids. He had an amazing pregnancy with Archie. The only issue was that Louis doesn't want anymore kids, he think that one is enough. Harry can see that Archie tends to get lonely. His papa is working all the time, and his daddy is watching tv. Harry feels that his son needs a friend, one that can live with him. One that can keep him busy. He had been asking for another kid since Archie was around 6 months old. Harry would rather have kids close in age. Yes it might be a handful, but he would make sure that they were healthy and safe.

Louis noticed that Harry seamed a bit sad. "What's the matter love?" Louis asked.

"I want more Louis. I want to have more kids." Harry pulled back from his husband's body. "Why can't I have them? You love Archie. Why can't you love the others that are to come, huh?" Harry was getting emotional. His eyes were brimming with tears.

Louis Tomlinson wasn't known to be having kids. After all Archie was an accident. He didn't want any kids. He would always admire little children from afar. Never would be think he would have a kid. A kid that he loves so deeply. "How about we wait another year yeah?" Louis dared to ask.

"You said that last year! Guess what I am not pregnant! You even promised!" Harry was livid. Louis literally promised he would have a baby or be pregnant by the end of the year.

Harry had enough. He did what he wanted to do. Harry got up and walked away. Not listening to Louis chants to come back. He just walked away. His tears were rolling down his pretty face. Whipping away the tear lines, Harry was think of where he was to go. He could go back home? Or to Jay's house? What about Archie though?

Harry made a decision.

Making the walk to jay's house Harry knocked on the door. Jay opened the door seeing Harry. "Hi Harry. What are you doing here? I thought Archie was sleeping over?" She was surprised.

"Yeah well I decided he won't. I think he needs to come with me." Harry was trying to rush. He knew Louis would be looking around for him.

"Okay...yeah. He is in Louis old bedroom." Slipping to the side and opening the door more Harry made his way in.

Harry walked to the bedroom, quietly making sure that his son would still be asleep. Grabbing his son and his overnight bag, harry made his way out the house. Thanking Jay for watching over Archie as he closed the door.

Taking a cab to a hotel, that Harry planned to stay at. Harry's plan was to have him and Archie stay at a hotel until further notice. He was tired of Louis. Louis always pushed back what Harry wanted. The one thing that he wanted most, rather than his husband, was getting pregnant and having babies. That was Harry's dream ever since he was a kid and finding out he can carry children. Harry felt as if Louis was against it. Even though Archie was a mishap, he loved him.

Arriving at the hotel Harry stepped out of the cab, giving the desired money to the driver. Signing in was a little dangerous. If Louis were to find them he would know that harry was here so he used a fake name. "Marcel Styles".

Once harry found his room he opened the door and placed Archie on the bed, tucking in the two year old boy. Harry sighed. He didn't even bring himself some clothes. Although he was tired he took a shower using up the hotel shampoo and conditioner.

Another thing he needed to do was make a grocery list. On top of that he would need to find a job. In addition to, Archie would have to go to daycare. He figured once he was well rested he would figure it out in the morning.

Checking his phone for any messages. Harry saw he got a message from Louis. >🫶🏼My babe😘<"I am sorry baby. Please come back. We can talk this out."

Turning his phone off, Harry kissed Archie's cheek. Rolling on his stomach, Harry was asleep in no time.

Hello to my probably not existent readers.

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