Everyone goes through rough times in their life. Everyone has a different way of cooping with emotions. Some people do things that they aren't proud of. Like hurting themselves. It's a very serious matter. Whether it's just a tiny scratch or a deep cut that needs stitches. Cutting is very serious. People cut for many different reasons, like the feeling of hurt, neglect, left out, or just simple sadness. Everyone has a different battle they are fighting, some battles are just against themselves. But it's not healthy. Cutting can lead to death, but just because someone cuts doesn't mean they want to die. It's just the way they let go of built up anger and instead of purposely hurting the ones who hurt them, they hurt themselves. But little do they realize, they aren't just hurting themselves, their hurting the loved ones around them.
If you every meet someone with scars from where they have cut or burned themselves, don't judge. You don't know what they have faced. You may think you know the real them but you don't. Just because they are smiling and laughing, doesn't mean that they are happy. It's a mask. They want you to think they are happy because they don't want to bother you with their suffering, so they smile and pretend to be happy.
Quote of the day: "Never let a cold, lifeless piece of metal take you away from your beautiful existence."
Twitter: SavannahMoon
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Kik: Savannah.Moon
The Real Savannah.
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