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When I  wake it's not as pleasant as I hoped, body aching from the previous day. It was however, nice to wake up in Lesso's embrace. Her breath on the back of my neck rhythmically. I turned in her arms, admiring her face. So peaceful. Eventually though, all nice things must come to an end.

"Stop staring at me DeVil." The pile of fiery curls grumbles.

"Get up then, lazy." I retort, smirk playing on my lips.

"If I'm so lazy, then why aren't you up?" She hums, lifting her head to stare back.

"I'm injured." I mock, placing a hand on my heart before collapsing back into the mattress. She laughs and pulls herself out of bed, purposefully taking the sheets with her. I shiver at the coldness of the room. God she should really get a radiator or something. "This room is just as cold as you."

"I'm colder."

"Sure darling, sure." I pull myself off the bed, cringing at the pain in my hip. Leonora makes the bed as I pick out her clothes. When I'm done with hers I head out to my room to grab some of my own - magic too much of a stretch for the exhaustion my body feels. I pull on a simple outfit and head back to my lover. "So about yesterday, you said something about me and Zylia being separate. How's that going to work?"

"Not sure. We have a meeting with Rhia- the headmaster."

"Slipping up are we?" I wink.


I smile and she grabs her cane, leading the way to the headmasters tower. This should be eventful. We ascended the floating staircase that, much to my dismay, didn't disappear as Hellman walked up them. I took a seat in the small office that was set up, eyeing the floating quill in the other room. Freaky.

The conversation drags and I see Zylia clenching her jaw with teeth grinding force. I almost cringe at the notion. Her eye twitches every now and then and her hands (which are concealed under the desk) are balled into tight fists. It takes a while but we come to the conclusion that my classes shall remain the same as I have been here the longest, and Zylia's timetable would be re-organised so we don't see each other. Ever.

I thank the Headmaster, to annoy the dark haired girl on the other side of the table. Lesso tells me to wait whilst she amends another matter with him. I watch the two, red hair and blue robe clashing, which is why I don't see Zylia reach across the table. Lesso however, turns and sees the attempt before it happens.

"Miss Hellman, if you do much as touch DeVil, it will be the Doom Room."

"Spicy." She smirks before pulling my hair harshly, causing me to yelp. Once out of her grasp I move from her and escort myself to the other side of the room. Leonora grabs the girl by the hair and drags her from the tower. I thank the headmaster again and head to the lesson. Won't be seeing either of them for a while.

Due to my lovers absence we're covered by Manley, who gets things thrown at him all lesson. We aren't even into the second hour of the double yet. Someone taps me on the back. I spin my chair to look at Hester. Anadil, Dot and Hort venture across the room - pulling up their own chairs or sitting on abandoned desks.

"Have you heard the rumors?" Dot whispers excitedly, chewing a hunk of chocolate which Hort eyes hungrily.

"Which one? Because apparently I fucked professor Dovey and I've never even spoke to her." I retort, slightly annoyed at the lack of education I'm getting at the moment.

"Apparently people can hear screaming down the corridor of the Doom Room." Hort whispers as if it's some big secret. Which it must be considering I didn't know about it. God I hate being out of the loop.

"I'm intrigued."

"It started this morning." He starts, the others listen eagerly. "Usually, I can't hear anything when someone is dragged into there, but the girl that is in there must be getting one hell of a beating. She sounds petrified." He finishes.

"Apparently it still hasn't stopped." Hester drops in excitedly. Zylia Hellman. She's going to die.

Suddenly, the doors slam open and the tall figure of our teacher walks in. People rushed to their seats, me included. Manley climbs out from under the desk. "Leave, Bilious." Her voice soothes. Her rushes out the room as my lover cleans blood from her fingers; staining the white handkerchief red. She drops it on her desk and takes a seat on the wooden structure. "Someone tell me a way of torturing a person." She hums, eyes scanning the room like a hungry animal.

Hester raises her hand. "Chopping of a finger." She replies, cautious of her teachers behaviour.

"Very good Hester, you are dismissed until your next period." Hester grabs her things and leaves the room, giving Hort a thumbs up. The replies grow, raised hands abundant in the room. Name after name is called. Idea after idea.

"Cut them up." Hort answers smugly.

"Pull off their nails." Anadil questions.

"Leave them to bleed out." Dot giggles.

I raise my hand. "Y/N?" My lover raises an eyebrow, my friends and the class are watching quietly. They collectively stop breathing, adding to the already overly tense atmosphere. I take my time, filtering through the many options I have.

"Bolt their hands to a wooden beam and leave them standing there." I answer, looking into my lovers eyes. She's up to something. Her glare is harsh and expectant, adding pressure. She'll either be disappointed or think it's a good answer. I only notice her finger glowing when it's too late, the spell is a vision spell. She's showing another person our replies.

"Absolutely fantastic, class is dismissed." She suspended, leaving the room with a flourish.

The screams continued all afternoon, and I was seemingly the only person who realised why. Why Lady Lesso came to class. Why she asked us about torture methods. Why she stared so harshly at me as I answered. Why she was so thrilled with my reply. Who the spell was aimed at.

She needed ideas, and she came to our class to get them. Zylia is living through every punishment a person in class said, and she knows we said them. Lesso showed her.




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