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The week runs smoothly after our agreement, and if Leonora knows about the spell she makes no attempt to confront me about it. Zylia and I keep our distance during the day and talk at night. It's becoming a ritual. I also decided it was best to keep this a secret from my indiscreet friends.

I exit my lovers classroom only to be dragged back inside by a strong grip. I almost crash into them at the sheer force of the manoeuvre. Luckily their hands find my waist to stop our tumble. "You're throwing off my elegance Love-" I start only to be cut off.

"Your mother is coming to the school." She mumbles against my neck, trailing kisses up along my jaw.

"You're joking." I laugh as she finally kisses mouth. She says nothing only squeezing my waist in reply. I gasp. "Shit. You're not joking. When?" She makes no move to tell me, continuing her trail to my collarbone. "Love?"

"Two weeks time. Both of the schools are being cleaned up for a parent visit. And you will be getting your finger glow so I can assess everyone's talents properly." She says, evidently disappointed by the ending of her mission to undress me. She backs up, arms still resting on my waist. "And before you ask, the clean-up - or rather dirtying in our case, starts today."

"In my case, it's clean up love." She throws me a look so sceptical I almost laugh. "Having Cruella as your mother has its perks."

"Oh." She replies, finally understanding the reason I hurriedly clean up my room at the mention of my mother. "You best get cleaning then. Your rooms a mess Darling." She mocks.

"Don't remind me." I reprimand. I place a soft kiss on her beautiful face and leave the classroom.

A few hours later the fabric that was haphazardly strewn across my floor, is rolled up and stacked nearly on the wall - any scraps thrown into a basket. The sewing machine was returned to its ordinary position; on my desk for the first time ever. Manikins line up against the wall, some housing unfinished projects. It'll have to do.

I lock the door and take the long ass passage to Hester's dorm. When I arrive, I see them dirtying up their room - shrieking with laughter as glass is flung across the room. Hort is hit by a piece of the shrapnel, fresh blood staining the floor. "Well you all look like your enjoying yourselves."

"Y/N! We can do your room next if you'd like?" Anadil hops happily. These people have way too much energy.

"I'm good thanks." I chuckle, the bed creaks loudly as I sit on it. That's borderline dangerous but oh well.

The next day we are given the news our finger glows will be unlocked today. Or well in everyone else's case. I pull on a nice dress and heels before making my way to the main hall. Everyone lines up in their respective titles.

"Evers, do not fear. Good feels no pain." Dovey reasures.

"Nevers." Leonora chuckles, causing me to shiver, "It's going to hurt." She laughs. One by one people go up to receive what will inevitably choose their future in the fairytale world. I wait my turn amongst the rowdy Nevers - Hester pinching my arm to get my attention. I turn to her and she winks at me as if I can interpret it into a sentence.

I roll my eyes and step forward - finger outstretched. She treats me with the same force as the others. A harsh stab, just as harsh twist. The only difference is I get a sweet smile afterwards - however breif it may be I still get one. My finger flows a light purple and as I pass her I show Zylia my hand. Hers glows a darker purple than mine and I smile at the similarity. I exit the hall quickly, desperate to conform something to show in class.

The week passes quickly and a few announcements about behaviour are sent through the corridors as a brief warning. The day passes faster than expected and I curl up in Lesso's bed - all alone.

Light filters through the bottom of the door. Leonora is the last to get the grading papers for each student and so spends countless nights picking through the students names until their grade is perfectly suited to them and well deserved. This is currently only based on the theory not practical. At least she's dedicated.

Rain patters against the window as I drift off into an uncomfortable sleep. When I wake up I see I only slept for an hour. I pull myself out of the cold bed, t-shirt falling around my hips as I lumber into the office. Lesso is sat hunched over a pile of paperwork that has barely decreased since I last saw it.

I walk behind the chair quietly and place my hands on her shoulders. Starting to massage the tense muscles, she turns to putty in my hands. I relish in her sounds of pleasure, smiling to myself as she leans into the chair.

I move to her front, tugging off her restrictive coat and loosening her tie, carefully placing down the swan pin embossed on it. I slide myself onto her lap - legs perfectly poised to hold my weight. Burying my head in the crook of her neck I take in the faded pumpkin and cinnamon scent I love so much. I'm saddened by her dampened scent and try to kiss it from her skin, down her neck and jaw.

She wraps an arm around my waist, the other cradling my head so gently I can sense her exhaustion. I push my arms through her flame like curls, playing with them in my hands. She pulls my head away from her neck, placing a kiss on my forehead. Bats fly around in my stomach. I connect my lips with hers, inquiringly. Hopefully.

She pulls away. "Go back to sleep Darling."  She says.

"Not until you join me. You're going to exhaust yourself." I mumble tiredly.

"I will be fine. Grading week is always the worst of the year." She explains, "That and parents visit follows soon after. So a busy two weeks."

"Leonora Lesso of Gavaldon."

"Please don't full name me." She whispers miserably. I get up from her lap and she lifts hooded eyes to meet mine. "But I'm coming." I turn, allowing the victory smile to spread across my face.

I lie in bed as she pulls off her work attire, trading it for black silk pajamas. I admire her slender and porcelain body that contrasts both her dark aesthetic and bright hair. She slides in behind me, placing a kiss on the centre of my neck. "Goodnight My Love."  I whisper.

"Goodnight Darling."

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