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You yawn as you stretch your body. You have finished working on an art assignment that took you a while.

Your brother had asked you to watch a match that he was playing along with Kira. A boy known for his skills for someone your age.

"Can you not dress up like me?"Kuro says
"Says who? You are literally wearing my shoes and shirt"You replied.
"Ugh fine"Kuro sighs

The two of you weren't identical but looked close to each others. You were tall and very masculine while he was also tall but he was slim and fit. People always assumed you were the oldest when it was Kuro.

"Next time buy your own shit"You said

Your twin was very much known everywhere thought underrated as people liked Kira more. You didn't mind that because you knew Kuro was talented and more better.

You knew it through your times together before match and after. The two of you would always fight each other through soccer.

"Don't let me get to you"You smirked as you almost fell but recovered back, running before taking a shot from the middle of the field getting a goal.

"Why don't you play soccer?"Kuro asks

"That's because i only like playing with you"You said picking up your backpack and wearing your hoodie. You and Kuro get ready to leave when someone walks up to you with letter that looked rather fancy.

"You have been selected for a special player training program"

You and Kuro look at each other excitedly as you both tell your parents about it. You think the god for bringing chest binders and birth control along with you because you were the only girl.

* * * * * * *

"Y/n"Kuro calls
"What are you gonna do?"Kuro asks
"I am staying, no one will notice anyways"You whisper

No one will notice as you already lived like a male at home, You had been taking the pills for a while only moving to new ones when it was not harmful on you.

"Congratulations you unpolished lumps
of talent, according to my personal judgement,
the three hundred of you are the best striker
out of eighteen"

"My name is Jinpachi Ego, i was hired to give japan a World Cup victory"Ego says as you listen in.

As some complained about being in teams Ego gives people the chance to let those who want to leave to leave. Kuro hesitated but stayed as he saw that you were staying.


You were too excited on you way to your room but were saddned after finding out that Kuro wasn't with you.

You walk in when a shirt flies on top of you and you are quite offended but the thought is gone when you see who the shirt belonged to.

"Sorry, it flew away"
"He is ripped i wonder if he can help me be like him"You thought
"Watch your steps"He adds as you look at the person laying on the ground sleeping?

You thank yourself for having abs as you take off your shirt wearing the uniforms. You tried to wear it fast to cover your chest binder only giving them your abs to see as you wore it.

Then to your legs you wore short so you were concerned as you were now in the uniform it looked good on you. You notice the number on the uniform.

"I grew up in a temple"Gurimu starts
"Did I ask?"You ask

The man is surprised by your response but nonetheless you close your locker walking away from him.

"Are you done changing? you lumps of talents?"Ego's face flashed on the big screen on the wall.

You once again yawn having to listen to lectures Ego told. You did like his voice but couldn't make out most of the stuff he was talking about. That is until you heard the word Tag.

You were all playing Tag but the ball mustn't be with you by the time the game ends. You were suddenly interested.

You watch as everyone start scattering around the room and you only lay your back on the wall watching things unfold that is until the ball was passed on to you by Isagi forcefully as you took it to the face.

You recovered immediately as you kicked it to white haired boy as it hit the boy's face as well. Only the difference is that the time has finished.

"What? Why did you do that"Kira asks
"Because it's the rules?"You shrugged.

You wiped the blood running down your nose as you smiled sighing in relief. You were so close to losing. You looked at Kira who was glaring at you.

You didn't care about him after all he has only himself to blame, he said he won't participate and now he mad cuz he lost.

You walked away as Ego went on and on about shit like what soccer is and you weren't about it. You were told about you being in Team Z as you sat next to Isagi and Bachira.

* * * * * *

"What's your name?"Isagi asks
"Y/n L/n"You said
"Bachira Meguru"Bachira smiles
"Isagi Yoichi"Isagi said

"Nice to meet you two"You said
"You kind of remind me of someone"Isagi says
"Who?"You asked
"You looked like Kuro L/n from Kira's team"Isagi says

"So you know my twin brother?"You ask
"You are his brother?"Isagi asks
"We are twins but grew up differently i guess"You said as Isagi nods.

"Why did you guys set me up earlier?"You asked
"I dont know it just happened"Isagi says
"I see, next time give me a warning at least instead
of just shooting the ball at my face"You said

"Sorry"Isagi says
"We good now?"Bachira asks
"Yeah"You replied.

Who would have thought that you would have liked playing with them as much as you liked playing with Kuro. You haven't felt this much of "excitement" since you were young.

You used your thighs to block such strong shoot from the boy who called himself the king surprising yourself as well.

"Remind me what you said about you having control of everything?"You asked smiling.

AUTHOR: Shall i continue on writing more? (Me and my ongoing other books)

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