Chapter Four ㅡ Silence Is A Voice.

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"Care to explain?"

Seungmin's eyes widen at each word that he reads.

He frantically scrolled through the tweets in horror. His fingers were now trembling in anxiousness. Seungmin glanced over to Minho, who had almost no reaction on his face.


And that was the first time he spoke with him in a while.

Minho turned to look at Seungmin.

Still no reaction.

Seungmin bit his lips, trying to prevent his tears from falling.

Minho looked away immediately, his trembling hands sliding the phone back to their manager on the table. He clenched his fist tight under the table, his lips quivering as he fought the urge to sob. He shakily wiped the un fell tears away from his eyes and cleared his throat.

"What do we do about this?" He asked, trying to maintain his composure. The manager raised a brow and shrugged.

"You guys can leave, I'll discuss with Chan first about this. " He said.

Seungmin's eyes never left Minho's. No matter how hard the latter tried to conceal his emotions, Seungmin could always see through him. He tore down his deceiving mask like no one could.

Minho turned to the younger one beside him, making their eyes meet.

None of them said a word, just their eyes peering into one another's, the air-conditioned air blowing on their clothes and silence speaking for them in turn of their mouths.

Silence is a voice,
come listen to it.

Seungmin let his tears fall, feeling the guilt inside of his stomach eat him up like boiling, molten lava. His heart burned, seeing how the older's eyes turned cerise, as the pressure of holding his tears back increased every second.

Grazing you, it'll blossom.
Call it home.

Minho jolted up from his seat, tearing his eyes away from Seungmin's. He rushed out the door in an instant, leaving his chair still spinning a bit as Seungmin's eyes followed his hyung's figure.

''Minho hyung!'' He screamed, scurrying off to follow the older.

Minho wiped his tears away harshly, moving his feet in a hurry down the hallway as Seungmin continued to scream his name.

''Hyung! Stop!''

Minho felt the younger's voice ring next to him, and soon, he was turned around ruthlessly by his shoulder. He peered at the younger's dishevelled hair, his porcelain skin now stained with tears.

Seungmin slowly walked up closer to Minho, his tears still sliding down his face. Their eyes are glued to each other like a flower from its stem.

Silence? It's desperate to talk.
Let it speak for you.

''Hyung...'' Seungmin quietly sobbed, inching closer and closer to the older. ''I'm sorry. '' He whispered, closing the gap between them as he wrapped his arms around the older's neck, embracing him tightly.

Minho shut his eyes closed, letting his tears fall carelessly. His fists were still clenched tight, holding back from squeezing the younger in his arms.

Seungmin wailed in his Lee Know hyung's embrace, his ears perked up against the older's chest, feeling how his heart drummed loudly.

Silence. Mine, and yours.
Let it speak for us.

''I didn't know something like that would ever happen, hyung...'' Seungmin cried, sniffing hard. But Minho didn't say a word. He let the younger speak out his faults, as Minho only focused on the feeling of having Seungmin in his arms.

Silence is the air. Come breathe in it.

Silence is a song, won't you sing with me?

''They hate you now, hyung! All because of me!''

The river flows in silence.
And underneath the moonlight lies a million unsaid words.

"Hyung... it was all my fault, wasn't it?"

Silence smouldering in the burning heart.

"I shouldn't have been here. "

"I shouldn't be here... with you. " Seungmin cried silenty, pulling away, but Minho wrapped him in his embrace, catching the younger off guard.

Silence is the sky. Come fly in it.

"I hate you, Kim Seungmin. " Minho crushed the younger in his arms, both of them now sobbing hard.

Silence is a feeling. Do you feel it?

Minho then ruthlessly let go of Seungmin, gazing at him with his reddened, pupils, in rage.

He grabbed the younger by his collar, shoving him against the wall, making the younger wince in pain.


I don't.


You aren't.

He screamed at his face, the veins of his neck now popping out, and Seungmin shut his in fear, taking in all the blame Minho threw at him.

Minho stared at the younger's frightened face, his fists gripping his collar tight.

Minho closed his eyes in frustration and joined their foreheads together, feeling his emotional take the best of him.

"I hate you so much..." He whispered under his breath, slowly calming down as he breathed in the younger's scent.

Seungmin licked the tears away from his lips and slowly opened his eyes. Coincidentally, the older fluttered his ones open at the same time.

And yet again, they stared into each other's soul, not uttering a word.

"Get the fuck out of my sight... I don't wanna see you anymore... "

Silence, mine and yours.
Let it speak for us.

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