Chapter 16

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"Your Highness."

Nurse Beta reminded Yun Yanqiu that it was his turn next.

"Your Highness, there are several restrooms at the end of the corridor. We'll meet you there after you finish your examination." Xu Zijue waved goodbye with his own examination form, and Jiang Feiyu obediently followed him out.

Doctor Beta looked at his blood test report and adjusted his glasses. "No problem, just come once a week for a growth hormone injection."

"You'll probably experience your first heat in mid-next month." The doctor looked up at him, his eyes full of pride in his medical skills and the imperial medicine.

Yun Yanqiu nodded awkwardly, feeling unwilling and helpless. All the previous medication was in vain. The thought of having to marry Bai Hongda when his heat came, and of his harsh future mother-in-law and future Alpha husband with a bad reputation, filled him with a sense of powerlessness.

He had no right to refuse.

In the private lounge, three people sat around a small round table.

Yun Yanqiu, who had always been concerned about his manners, indulged himself and sank his whole body into the soft sofa. He leaned his head against the back of the chair and silently counted the number of glass pendants on the chandelier on the ceiling.

As friends, after Lian Yu's death, Jiang Feiyu and Xu Zijue both felt responsible for taking care of her "widow." Moreover, no one could bear to watch a fragile beauty continue to suffer and become more and more miserable, so the two of them actively discussed countermeasures in a low voice. After a dozen minutes, Yun Yanqiu counted that there were 100 circular glass pendants and 99 star-shaped ones hanging from the chandelier. Jiang Xu and Xu Zi discussed the results and concluded that there was no solution. The only one who could change the situation was the emperor, but he could not retract his decision.

In fact, there was another way, which was for Bai Hongda to suddenly die, but the possibility was too small to even dream of.

Looking at the gloomy Yun Yanqiu, Xu Zi suddenly spoke up, "Your Highness, why don't you come with us to the training ground tomorrow to operate the mecha?"

Yun Yanqiu: ?

He looked at Xu Zi, who scratched his face and explained, "Every time I enter the mecha, I feel full of strength, and everything can be controlled by myself. The troubles encountered in life are nothing. Maybe you will also like operating the mecha?"

Yun Yanqiu smiled lightly, "But I don't know how to operate the mecha."

"It's okay, I can teach you. If not, Jiang Feiyu can also teach you. She's been quite free lately. Believe me, operating the mecha can really improve your mood," Xu Zi said.

Operating the mecha?

If it were in the past, Yun Yanqiu would not have thought of trying this Alpha activity, as it was somewhat out of line. The mecha and he seemed to be on two parallel lines. But today, he rebelled for no reason and made an appointment with Xu Zi to meet at the training ground tomorrow morning.

Sitting in the flying vehicle back to the palace, the sun was still in the sky, and it was not yet evening. He was already looking forward to tomorrow morning. The thought of being able to learn how to operate the mecha brought a secret tremble and joy to his heart. He seemed to be getting closer and closer to Lian Yu.


Half past two in the morning.

"What are you doing?" Night owl Lu Qi looked at Lian Yu next to him with a puzzled expression. Lian Yu was writing and drawing frantically on her notebook, illuminated by the faint blue light emitted by her terminal.

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