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(Y/Ns POV)

I stood there staring at the red humanoid creature standing in front of me. "So you're the young woman from the phone?" He asks taking a step closer. I only nodded since I was to scared to speak. He then notices my backpack. "I didn't expect you to bring anything though." He says pointing to my backpack. I didn't know if I should tell him that I was actually kicked out of my own home or not, but I needed a place to stay and in order to get a place to stay I needed a job. I could feel his eyes staring at me. "You don't have to explain it if you don't want to." He says. Suddenly I realized I hadn't told my name if I wanted this job even if it wasn't what I expected I needed to tell my name. "I'm Y/N by the way." I said a bit nervous. He looked at me before answering. "You can call me Red, also Y/N...your hired." He says catching me off guard. "But what about the interview, also what will I even be doing?" I asked confused. Red walks over to a desk in the corner of the room and starts looking for something. I finally got a good look at the room I was in, it was a small office. Red then walked over with a bunch of papers. "I need an assistant." He says giving me the papers. "An assistant?" I ask confused. He blinks and then answers. "Yes, I need an assistant to help me around the play place." He says with a happy voice. "Wait you want me to help around the building, WITH THOSE CREATURES TRYING TO KILL ME?!" I ask carefully put the papers down on a nearby table. "If you want I can tell them not to." Red says happily.  "You can do that?" I ask looking at Red who just nods in response. "Then do it, cause I need to be able to walk around without worrying about being killed." I say. Red then says something that make my heart drop. "Oh and you're going to be living here for now on."

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