Further explaining TristanIsLove's actions

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(TW: Child P*rn mentions)

Sorry about the first chapter about Shawna being a little short and having very little context, I was barely awake at the time so my brain was pretty fuzzy and being really weird.

To make up for it, this chapter has been created to further explain TristanIsLove's actions. I have done more research on the subject this time so ease your worries.

TristanIsLove - otherwise known as Shawna - has created a book titled "New Fanfics +18" and within that book, they have multiple ships that are very... questionable, to say the least.

They've written multiple chapters about their favorite ships, but my personal pet peeve was... their "rarepairs" which I view to make little to no sense, which I guess is the purpose of a rarepair, but they've made more than one and all of them make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Wedsen x David x Punkay - That's a big no for me, darlin'. I doubt they even know each other (Wedsen and Punkay know each other, but they don't know David and vice versa) and I'm pretty sure David's ego would prevent the relationship from actually being stable.

Muko x Bendu - I am questioning my existence because of this ship, I do not see the appeal and I doubt I ever will. And personally, while I can see that Muko and Bendu can get along, I don't think it's to the point where they will be romantically involved with each other.

Garrett x Diamond Man - Garrett is a persona, he is based off an actual person so you're basically shipping a real person with a fictional character. And I know that people like to separate Garrett from Jumpman, but another reason I don't like this ship is because Jumpman said he didn't want Garrett nor any of his own characters to be involved with Dave and Bambi and Dave's Fun Algebra Class anymore, and I respect that, which is why it always feels weird to see Garrett involved in a DFAC/DnB fic. That's just my personal opinion though.

But what makes Shawna instantly problematic is that they write CP, now if you didn't know what CP stands for, it basically stands for Child P*rn. Basically underaged sex, which is illegal as the age of consent is 18. 16 in my country but Garrett and Diamond Man don't live in Japan, and I doubt they're that old anyways.

Like my earlier statement about Garrett x Diamond Man, Garrett is a persona of a real person. Not only did you write CP, you also wrote porn of a real person without their consent.

This is all I have to say for now. Tell me if I'm missing anything, I'll fix it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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