Term Explanation

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Quick heads up from author!
This is NOT a chapter, it is sorta like a mini dictionary for this fic. If there is anything wrongly described/written, feel free to tell me.
The format is "{term} ◇ {explanation}".

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(insert name)-er [儿] ◇ term of endearment for younger acquaintances in Chinese. From Google, it is used as a diminutive marker; in a name, it is equivalent to the English '-y' or '-ie' ending, and used as a term of endearment. (Example; Long-er)

Ah [啊] (insert name) ◇ also a term of endearment for acquaintances in Chinese. From Google, a Chinese prefix used with a shortened form of peoples' given names to express familiarity, roughly equivalent to Mister or Miss. (Example; Ah Ling)

Shifu [师傅] ◇ used to refer to one's teacher in Chinese.

Baichi [白痴] ◇ roughly translates to "idiot" in Chinese. In this story, it is a nickname Ling came up with for Zilong when they were younger, better times when they were close. Inspired by other fanfiction works and fan canons.

Baobei [宝贝] ◇ translates to "baby" in Chinese. It's a very common nickname Zilong has for Ling within fanfiction works and fan canons relating to the Zilong x Ling ship. In said works, Zilong uses it to tease Ling most of the time.

Shixiong [师兄] ◇ used to refer to one's older/senior male disciple of the same teacher.

Shidi [师弟] ◇ used to refer to one's younger/junior male disciple of the same teacher.

Xiao Gongju [小公举] ◇ quoted from Google, while there hasn't been a royal family or an emperor in China since the Qing dynasty, men still call their girlfriends 小公举 xiǎo gōng jǔ or "little princess." This nickname implies that none are as regal as their special girl. While there are many cute Chinese nicknames for girls, this one conveys a strong sense of adoration.

Shagua [傻瓜] ◇ translates to "fool", but if taken literally, it translates to "silly melon". In this story, it's a nickname Wanwan calls Yin and is meant to be taken in a playful matter.

Term explanation will be updated as this work progresses. Check back here when a new term shows up.

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