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Celeste's Pov:

Its Monday, 12:31 pm. Me and my best friends decided to leave this boring town and fly to new york. Its crazy we know, I haven't told my parents or anything and i'm starting to worry like crazy.

"I'm nervous what if I get caught, we'll never see each other again."

"Stop overthinking we're going to pull this off. Just imagine about all the fun and trouble we're gonna have." Livia says.

That's Livia Pierce one of my besties, she's the trouble maker of the group.

"Your right I can't wait to see New York again we used to live there." I say.

"Wait are you serious?" Livia says with a shocked expression.

"Yea it was the best times of my life, I always thought me and my ex boyfriend would get married and own a big apartment that was so high the windows were covered by clouds."

"Damn that's crazy so you've never been back for like 4 years?" Livia questions.

"Yea but I don't really miss that part of my life." I say.

Livia has an annoyed expression so Turn to the front of the classroom door to find my boyfriend Elijah trying to get my attention.

"I'll be back."

"Ugh okay off to see you're dog of a boyfriend." Livia says while sticking her tongue out.

"Funny liv, can't you guys just get along?" i complain.


I raise my hand, "May I use the restroom Mrs. Campbell?"

"Yes you may, hurry back."

I rush to the door and practically jump on him, he pecks my neck while gripping my waist.

"Why aren't you in class?"

"And miss the chance to say goodbye to my girlfriend? You're crazy." he says.

"Aww someone's missing me already huh?" I giggle.

"Of course I am, who else am I supposed to skip class in a car with?" he says with a devious smirk.

"Maybe actually go to class for once."

"Nah maybe i'll just go find someone else."

"Yea maybe you should go do that."

We tease each other I love messing w/ him we don't take it personal or anything.

"Tryna get rid of me already."

"You know I couldn't even if I wanted to."

"Let's go somewhere." he begs.

"No, I still have to get all the work for when i'm gone and it's still 3rd period."

"Please your leaving how am I going to survive." he whines.

"I know i'm sorry lijah but I can't." I explain.


We turn our heads after being interrupted by a raspy voice, Only to find one of the most annoying person of all time.

Mrs. Brown

The fat no life hall monitor.

"I see we're skipping class again." She shouts.

"No we're just talking, we have hall passes." I say.

"We were just leaving." Elijah says with a smirk.

"Bye baby i'll miss you, i'll call and text the whole time I swear."

"See you later my princess, if anyone tries and get your number give 'em mine, your too gorgeous to not caught all the guys attention, I Love you." he kisses me while pulling me in for a hug.

I really don't deserve him, We're kissing and hugging for a bout 3 mins. This guy makes me fall for him all over again all the time.

I walk back into my classroom, this class is an Easy A but so boring. It's excruciatingly boring I could kill myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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