Chapter 1: waking up

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As I open my eyes, having just woken up, I immediately close them again, trying to protect against the glare of the sun light. . . .

Wait a minute, sun light!?

My eyes shoot open, and I'm gifted with the sight of scrap piles that go on for miles, giant heaps of garbage and metal strewn about.

I immediatly shoot up from my uncomfortable seat, and whirl around, trying to get my bearings with the sudden shift in my surroundings.

'What the fuck is happening? Where the hell am i!?'

As I finish with a twirl, my pupils shrink as I take in the sight of a group of sky scrapers, with flying objects that I can barely make out buzzing around the buildings.


'No fucking way!'

I recognize the sight, of course I do, I played the game that includes that blasted cityscape I'm seeing.



"Oh, you have gotta be shitting me"


It took a while to, y'know, let it all sink in.

And by a while, I mean two hours straight of me deliriously rocking by a scrap pile, mumbling about useless 'what if's?' Like a Moron.

But I'm over that! I'm here now, I'm probably not going back home, so I might as well just roll with the punches and figure out my living situation

I mean, for a tech enthusiast like myself, being in a world where people can jump around like their possessed, launch grenades from their forearms. And be able to browse the internet through their eyes, this place is like a nerds wet dream!

But y'know what the best part of this whole situation is? I started in a junkyard, where there's bound to be some good shit buried here. Plus! No one's fucking showed up in the two hours I've been here, so I'll probably be left alone to geek out with the tech!

Fuck yeah!

[Two Days later]

Okay, so I've found that living in a scrap yard isn't as great as I originally thought it'd be.

It's constantly hot, there's barely any food or water here, and I constantly have to hide away whenever someone comes to dump something, lest I test my luck on whether or not I'll die when they see me.

So yeah. Not a great start to my new misadventures, but hey, it'll get better............ right?


[One week later]

Okay, fuck me then. God was I wrong about this place, I fucking hate it here.

Not only, have I not found a single piece of usable tech, but I've now run out of all the food I was able to scrounge together, but I almost got shot today!

Like, I was just scrounging around for some, hopefully, usable tech, when all of a sudden, some cracked out hobo with a gun started shooting at me from his hobo perch, shouting things like "you'll never take me, ya bas'ard!" And "you can't have my stuff, fuck off!"

I....... have had a very, VERY bad week and a half.

God I was an idiot, thinking this place was great.......

'I hope I don't die tomorrow'


{Hey yall, heres a revamped version of the chapter, i reread it, and by god, that shit was awful. So im gonna try and be better with the next one. See ya!}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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