Travelling Guitarist...

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A/N: Hey this is my first story, grammar is bad and story is fucking worse! Might run low on ideas, wish me luck! Also, Onceler is a bit softer in this version. Bye! :A/N

Your flying around with the wind in your face, smiling, your lips opening to show your sharp fangs and pearly whites. 


You heard an identified scream, and flew near a tree to see. There stood your close friend, the lorax, and a tall male, black hair and deep blue eyes. You smirked at his scream, then floated above to get a better look.

"Hey. Did you cut down this tree-" Says the Lorax, then he glances at you and seems surprised your out in the sun. "Y/N? Aren't you meant to be somewhere else?" 

The sudden conversation start causes the man to look straight at you. He seemed shocked, to say the least. You slowly floated down until you stepped on the floor, staring at the man the entire time.

"U-uhm.. who are you two?" He stuttered, his head whipping between looking at your (e/c) eyes and the Lorax. He slowly crouched down on one knee, watching you walk towards the Lorax.

"I need him alive, Lorax. I've run low on blood again..." You stated. The Lorax thought for a while, then said;

"Alright, you can stay, Beanpole-"

"Alright, what's going on?" Said the tall male, while you giggled at his new nickname. "First, it's Onceler. Second, who are you two?"

"Ah, right. I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. This is (y/n), and they protect the animals." Said the Lorax, explaining the purpous of both strange creatures. Then he sighed, "However, (Y/N) here forgot to stock up on blood. So-"

"What? Blood? Why would they need blood? Its not like their a-" He began, then looked to you, showing your sharp fangs, then hiding them while frowning. "V-va-vamp-vampire..." he stuttered. 

"Sorry if that's to hard for you to contemplate, Beanpole." You giggled, then continued, "I need blood, like yours, to live. Otherwise the animals will be in a lot of danger. The Lorax can't handle them by himself." 

"Nope. I am not some blood bag. End of story. Bye." He stated, walking off into his hut, where you and The Lorax teleported using your powers. He screamed, high pitched and loud, clutching his chest."

"Fine, but you leave me no choice" You said, glaring at him. "If you won't give it willingly, I'll take it while you sleep. See you tonight, Beanpole." You shouted, flying away.

"ITS ONCELER!!" He shouted back, then sighed. Guess he wouldn't sleep that night.

Onceler x Vampire! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now