Y/n or better known as the Wolf Sin of Dishonesty was almost as powerful as Meliodas maybe even stronger.... She was a half demon half human type which was really really rare and what was even rarer was that she used to be favored by the goddesses b...
Age: 4,000+ (Older than Meliodas so older than all of the sins)
Height: 5'9 (But if you want you can make her your height but this is the height she will be for me in the story)
Magic: Healing, Force Field, Creation, Snow/Ice powers (Kinda like Elsa but stronger), Demon Form, Energy Sap, Wings, Super strength, Increased agility, and flexibility.
Explanation of Magic: Healing is healing but when healing major injuries, it saps you of energy and they may go into a coma. Force field is exactly what it says but you can move it around and make it any shape you want. Creation is like you can create things as long as you know the molecules and whatnot but it takes a lot of energy to make anything big, Snow/Ice powers you you can summon, create and control Ice and Snow and stuff. Demon form is basically like Meliodas's demon form, Energy Sap you can take away the energy of your opponent but it's hard to control and you can even take a life with it. Wings give you pure white wings and you can make them any size but you don't use them. Super strength is what it says, Increased agility makes you faster and stuff. Flexibility makes you flexible.
Titles: Wolf Sin of Dishonesty, High Mage, Excellent Potioner, and Hybrid
Sin: Wolf Sin of Dishonesty (Picture below)
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Sacred Weapon: Bracelet of Power- The Bracelet of Power grants the user any weapon but you mostly turn it into a F/c Katana (BTW the katana is also your Sacred Weapon and is almost indestructible). It also increases magic and can null poison or damage and can increase healing powers. It can also contain magic. Lastly, it can only be used by a specific person. (Image below of Bracelet and Katana also don't mind the tattoo on the hand that is where your sin mark is supposed to go)
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Average Stats: Magic: 7,000 Strength: 1,500 Spirit: 700 Total: 9,200 (This is you in your relaxed mode and can go higher if more concentrated but the most you have ever shown anyone is you at 5,000 in power level.)
Uhhhh: Y/n: your name, L/n Last name, B/h: Body Heightd, N/n: Nickname, F/c: Fav. Color, H/L: hair length, H/c: Hair Color.... And IDK what else
A/n (Authors note): So If I include any pictures with clothes and whatnot the picture will most likely have purple, black, and/or white clothes or accessories. Cause those are my favorite colors also the art will probably not be mine. The uploading schedule will probably be every day or at least 5 times a week.